147 Introduction to Treatment

Chapter Outline

  • Mental Health Treatment: Past and Present
  • Types of Treatment
  • Treatment Modalities
  • Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders: A Special Case
  • The Sociocultural Model and Therapy Utilization
Man sitting on yoga mat with exercise equipment. The man is looking at his phone.
T.1 Many forms of treatment have been developed to treat different issues. Increasingly, people are accessing the therapy they need via their phones.

What comes to mind when you think about therapy, psychologists, or treatment? You might picture someone lying on a couch talking about their childhood while the therapist sits and takes notes, Ă  la Sigmund Freud. But can you envision a therapy session in which someone is wearing virtual reality headgear to conquer a fear of snakes?

In this chapter, you will see that approaches to therapy include both psychological and biological interventions, all with the goal of alleviating distress. Because psychological challenges can originate from various sources—biology, genetics, childhood experiences, conditioning, and sociocultural influences—psychologists have developed many different therapeutic techniques and approaches. Therapy that is accessible online, via an app, is becoming increasingly popular; it allows individuals to access the care and support they need, at a time and place that is convenient to them. Tranquility is an app developed by co-founders Dr. Alissa Pencer (Clinical Psychologist) and Joel Muise that is now free to all Nova Scotian’s 16+ who are experiencing mild-to-moderate anxiety and/or depression.


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Introduction to Psychology & Neuroscience (2nd Edition) Copyright © 2020 by Edited by Leanne Stevens, Jennifer Stamp, & Kevin LeBlanc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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