

Linda Macdonald

This textbook has been created at Dalhousie University, which sits in Mi’kma’qi, the unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw people. This territory and its lakes and ocean waters, animals, plants, and trees have nurtured us with shelter, medicine, and food. We are grateful for the past, present, and future Mi’kmaq stewardship of the land. The Peace and Friendship Treaties, with their commitments between sovereign nations, obligate us to participate in that stewardship and to ensure that Indigenous rights to this place are upheld. This textbook aims to help students establish and maintain positive relationships through business communication. We hope this book moves us toward right relations with our Mi’kmaw partners and each other as we continue to work toward Reconciliation.

This textbook uses both original material as well as work adapted from other Creative Commons resources, including

Authors are credited in each chapter.

In addition, some H5P content was adapted from eCampusOntario. Authors of H5P content derived from eCampusOntario are credited within or below the H5P material.

INSTRUCTORS: If you adopt Building Relationships with Business Communication in part or in whole, as a core or supplemental resource, please report your adoption to https://forms.office.com/r/MDgAuHisSP.

Research assistance and editorial work for this textbook was funded by the Council of Atlantic University Libraries/ Conseil des bibliothèques universitaires de l’Atlantique (CAUL-CBUA) through an AtlanticOER grant and Dalhousie University’s Centre for Learning and Teaching and Dalhousie Libraries through an Open Educational Resources (OER) Grant.

Illustrations appearing on the cover and at the start of each part were created by Kayler Mutyabule.

Thanks to Geoff Brown, Dalhousie University Librarian; Les Tyler Johnson, Dalhousie Centre for Teaching and Learning Educational Developer; Tereigh Ewert, Dalhousie Senior Educational Developer (Diversity and Inclusion); Rachelle McKay, Dalhousie Educational Developer (Indigenous Knowledges and Ways of Knowing); and Dr. Gail Baikie for their guidance and feedback. Wela’lin.

Thank you to Dr. Frederick King, Dalhousie University, for his editorial contributions and supportive friendship.

Student research assistants and writers Stacey Taylor and Alana Michelin along with Kayler Mutyabule, Joshua Touw, Matt Daigle, and Paige Hagan contributed both content and editorial assistance. The work of these gifted student research assistants provided important student perspectives based on their work terms and academic experiences.