
5.8 How It All Works Together

Sarah Adams and Debbie Feisst

Learning Outcome

  • Create and format reference list and in-text citations in APA Style.

As we have covered, reference list citations and in-text citations should match each other. They work together to clearly indicate which sources provide support to your assignment or report.

Apple MAC desktop computer showing a narrative block quote in-text citation example with the author names, publication year, and location information highlighted in green with arrows pointing to a reference list with its corresponding reference list citation highlighted in a green box. The computer sits on a white desk with a MAC keyboard, mouse, pencil, crumpled paper ball, and white bird figurine on a white background.

You wouldn’t want to wear mismatched socks, just like you don’t want mismatched citations! You want your in-text and reference list citations (and socks) to match each other!
   Person wearing one sock with stripes and one with diamond pattern Person wearing matching socks in skeleton patter.

One exception is personal communication, which is cited as an in-text citation, but is not included in the reference list. Why?  Your reader can’t access your personal experiences.

In the next activity, you will practice matching in-text citations with their reference citation.



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5.8 How It All Works Together Copyright © 2021 by Sarah Adams and Debbie Feisst is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.