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5 Outpatient Cardiorespiratory Treatment
Daunting flight of stairsStair Climbing, Instructions for Dyspnea/Leg Fatigue Assessment, person with obesityStair Climbing Assessment, starting the assessment, person with obesityStair Climbing Assessment, starting the assessment, person with obesity, close upStair Climbing (Assessment), person with obesity, ascending with guardingStair Climbing (Assessment), person with obesity, ascending with guardingStair Climbing (Assessment), person with obesity, ascending with guardingStair Climbing (Assessment), person with obesity, ascending with guardingStair Climbing (Assessment), person with obesity, descending with guardingStair Climbing (Assessment), person with obesity, descending with guardingCycling with supplemental oxygen, application of oxygen saturation monitorCycling with supplemental oxygen and oxygen saturation monitor, explaining dyspnea/exertion scaleCycling with supplemental oxygen and oxygen saturation monitor, explaining dyspnea/exertion scale, scale visibleCycling with supplemental oxygen and oxygen saturation monitor, explaining dyspnea/exertion scale, scale visibleCycling with supplemental oxygen and oxygen saturation monitor, patient using dyspnea/exertion scaleCycling using pursed lips breathing to recover from dyspneaAssessing blood pressure for a person on a bicycleAssessing BP for a person on a bicycleAssessing blood pressure for a person on a bicycleCycling using pursed lips breathing to recover from dyspnea