12 Balance Training

Kitchen sink balance – single leg stance
Kitchen sink balance – tandem stance, forward weight shift, lateral view
Kitchen sink balance – knee lift, lateral view
Kitchen sink balance – knee lift, lateral view, thumbs up
Kitchen sink balance – hip extension, posterior view, with correction
Kitchen sink balance – hip extension, posterior view
Kitchen sink balance – hip abduction
Kitchen sink balance – hip extension, lateral view
Kitchen sink balance – single leg calf raise, lateral view
Kitchen sink balance – single leg stance, holding therapist hands, lateral view
Kitchen sink balance – calf raises, lateral view
Kitchen sink balance – calf raises, posterior view
Kitchen sink balance – tandem stance, lateral view


Seated balance on theraball - single leg lift with head turn
Seated balance on theraball – single leg lift with head turn
Seated balance on theraball - single leg lift (2)
Seated balance on theraball – single leg lift (2)
Seated balance on theraball - lateral single arm reach (3)
Seated balance on theraball – lateral single arm reach (3)
Seated balance on theraball – single leg lift
Seated balance on theraball - lateral single arm reach
Seated balance on theraball – lateral single arm reach
Seated balance on theraball - lateral single arm reach (2)
Seated balance on theraball – lateral single arm reach (2)
Single leg stance on foam
Balance training with Bosu
Balance training with Bosu
Balance training with Bosu
Dynamic balance – cone walking front view
Dynamic balance – stepping over cones back view
Dynamic balance – stepping over cones front view
Dynamic balance – cone walking back view 2
Dynamic balance – cone walking front view 2
Dynamic balance – cone walking back view


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