
Chapter 8. Environmental Stewardship

Environmental impacts in Canada are managed by a variety of governmental organizations and should always be in consultation with and by the consent of First Nations people and governments. Each of these agencies at indigenous, provincial and federal government levels have a role to play, from regulation of land access and resource extraction to environmental monitoring and cleanup. To understand how the impacts are managed, let’s review the basic categories of land use.

Land Use

There are essentially four broad land categories: Indigenous land, private land, provincial Crown land, and federal Crown land.

Indigenous land includes any area where “Aboriginal title” has been established and responsibilities for management lie with the relevant First Nations group. Large areas of designated Crown land in BC are considered by First Nations groups as traditional, and these are currently going through the treaty negotiation process, which will likely result in a larger proportion of the BC land area coming under First Nations management.

In 1997, the Supreme Court of Canada ruled in the Delgamuukw case that Aboriginal title is “a right to the land itself—not just the right to hunt, fish and gather.” This case confirmed that “Aboriginal title still exists in BC and that when dealing with Crown land the government must consult with and may have to compensate First Nations whose rights are affected” (BC Treaty Commission, 2020).

Private land in any land where private property rights apply. This includes residential, commercial, and agricultural zoned land. If private property rights apply, the owner has more rights over that land for development and use than any other classification of land. Tourism companies wishing to operate on private property need to gain ownership of the land, or failing that, permission to operate on the land.

The term Crown land applies to any land that is owned by either the provincial or federal government. Provincial Crown land is available for a wide range of activities that encourage recreation and economic development, including tourism.

Figure  8.4.1 A BC Parks ranger conducts an interpretive program. Image credit: Park Ranger.

Designated park areas are managed by BC Parks, the agency that reviews and issues permits for tourism companies to operate within a park. Other provincial Crown land is managed by a variety of government agencies, such as the Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations (MFLNR).

Federal Crown land is all land that is owned by the Government of Canada. It primarily consists of parks and protected areas that are managed by Parks Canada, the federal agency that has a mandate to preserve and share “natural and cultural heritage” and help ensure enjoyment and appreciation “for present and future generations” (Parks Canada, n.d.).

Take a Closer Look: Parks and Protected Areas in BC

Two examples of pristine parks in BC are Pacific Rim National Park and Garibaldi Provincial Park. Pacific Rim is operated by Parks Canada. It covers a beautiful stretch of land along the west coast of Vancouver Island. Visit the webpage at Pacific Rim National Park Reserve.

Garibaldi is managed by BC Parks. It is located just north of Vancouver and protects a pristine mountainous region. Learn more at the Garibaldi Provincial Park website. Both parks serve as significant natural attractions for tourism in BC.

Land Use for Tourism and Hospitality

Businesses and organizations wishing to use Crown land for economic development must apply and be approved for Crown land tenure. Examples of the types of tourism operations that might seek tenure include mountain resorts, golf courses, backcountry lodges, tour operators, resort development, and marina construction.

Any tourism business wishing to operate on Indigenous land requires permission from the local First Nation. Companies wanting to operate in a National Park also need to apply for a permit. Although resource extraction is restricted, national parks often encourage tourism development that is sustainable and appropriate for the local environment.

Aerial view of mountainsides that have large sections of trees missing due to logging.
Figure 8.4.2 Logging sites visible from the air in Jervis Inlet. Image credit: McKay Savage.

The current land management system in Canada has led to numerous conflicts between tourism operators and resource extraction operations such as mining and forestry. Often, overlapping tenure is given to multiple companies with conflicting operational goals. Tourism operators typically require a clean environment, high-quality viewscapes, intact biodiversity, and an environment free of industrial scars. To maintain these values, any resource extraction needs to occur far from where tourism operators conduct their activities. In recent years, tensions have been building as access to wilderness areas becomes scarcer, with tourism values often falling second to resource extraction under the existing system (Webster, 2013).

Take a Closer Look: Conflicts Between Tourism and Resource Extraction in BC

Tourism companies complain that despite being part of the $1.6 billion nature-based tourism industry in BC, the government favours traditional logging values. This article discusses one example on northern Vancouver Island where a kayaking operator feels logging is threatening its livelihood. Learn more by reading the article, “Logging Threatens Tourism, Kayaking Company Charges.”

The issues discussed above provide a framework for thinking about environmental management and the impacts of the tourism industry in Canada. As part of the industry, we have an important responsibility to recognize impacts and take steps to reduce them. The next section addresses how we might do just that.

Image Credits

B.C. Parks Ranger A.J. and National Park Ranger Autumn by Park Ranger on Flickr is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 licence.

Logging decimation in Jervis Inlet by McKay Savage on Wikimedia Commons is licensed under a CC BY 2.0 licence.



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Introduction to Tourism in Canada Copyright © 2024 by CBU is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.