Chapter – 4 Eukaryotic Cell Structure

As discussed in previous chapters, cells are the fundamental units of life. Aside from Bacteria and Archaea, eukaryotic cells make up all other forms of life. Eukaryotes includes protists, fungi, animals, and plants. Eukaryotic cells contain numerous membrane-bound organelles, one of which is shown in Figure 4.1. Structures such as the nucleus are found in all eukaryotic cells whereas other organelles are specific to certain cell types. Through this chapter we will explore the important relationship between structure and function, specifically in the context of eukaryotic cells and their components. We will further our understanding through micrographs (microscopy images) of different organelles and by making connections between how different organelles work together within a eukaryotic cell.
Chapter Outline
4.1 Eukaryotic Cell Structure Overview