
Long Descriptions

1. Systems of Inequity

Table 1: Unemployment Rate

Black Canadians make less annual income than non- racialized Canadians both for new immigrants and third-generation Canadians. The income for 1st, 2nd and 3rd generations of non-visible minority and black population is presented in a graph. All three generations of non-visible minority are around or above 50,000 with the 2nd generation earnings being the highest. The three generations of the black population are all below 40,000. The first generation has the highest income, with drop in income for 2nd and 3rd generations.

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Table 2: Average Total Income

A bar graph that presents a visual presentation that shows Black Canadians are far more likely than non-racialized Canadians and other visible minorities to be unemployed: 12.5 percent of the black population are unemployed compared to 7.3 percent of non-visible minority. 5.7 percent  of people who identify as a visible minority are unemployed.

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Table 3: Proportion of population with low income status

A bar graph table showing proportion of population with low income status. Black Canadian are twice as likely as non-racialized Canadians to be considered low income: 23 percent of the black population is considered low income, 20 percent of other visible minority, and 12.2 percent of not a visible minority.

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Table 4: Expectations for Higher Education.

Although 94% of Black yuth aged 15-25 said they would like to get a bachelor’s degree or higher, only 60 percent thought that they could, according to data from 2016.

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Table 5: Hate crimes by motivation based on race or ethnicity

In 2018, Black Canadians were more likely than any other racial group in Canada to be the victims of a hate crime, according to data reported by police. A line graph plots the comparison to show that the number of hate crimes broken out by ethnic group.

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2. Personal Privilege and Bias Chapter

Racial Microaggressions image

Text in the illustration to illustrate mico aggressions includes: Where are you from? Where are you really from? No, where are you really really from?; You’re not like other Muslim people; You don’t act like a normal Black person; Why do you sound so White?; What are you?; You speak English so well; What do your people think about that?; You’re really pretty for someone so dark; Your name is too hard to pronounce, can I call you Mary?
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Tying it All Together image

The text in the graphic contains definitions for 3 terms:

Stereotypes: Judgement or characteristics attributed to specific groups of people – races, genders, age groups, etc. – that may or may not be true for any one specific individual within that group.

Microaggressions: Subtle verbal or nonverbal insults, indignities or denigrating messages directed toward an individual due to their marginalized identity. Often committed by well-intentioned people who are unaware of the hidden messages conveyed or the impact of their statements.

Implicit bias: Subconscious attitudes, perceptions and stereotypes that influence our understanding, actions, and behaviour when interacting with various identities.
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3. Equity Seeking Groups Chapter

Genderbread Image Long Description

The Genderbread person.

Gender is one of those things everyone thinks they understand, but most people don’t. Gender isn’t binary. It’s not either/or. In many cases it’s both/and. A bit of this, a dash of that. This tasty little guide is meant to be an appetizer for gender understanding. It’s okay if you’re hungry for more after reading it. In fact, that’s the idea.

Identity is how you, in your head, experience and define your gender, based on how much you align (or don’t align) with what you understand the options for gender to be.

Attraction  is how you find yourself feeling drawn (or not drawn) to some other people, in sexual, romantic, and/or other ways (often categorized within gender).

Expression is how you present gender (through your actions, clothing, and demeanor, to name a few), and how those presentations are viewed based on social expectations.

Sex is the physical traits you’re born with or develop that we think of as “sex characteristics,” as well as the sex you are assigned at birth.

We can think about all these things as existing on continuums, where a lot of people might see themselves as existing somewhere between 0 and 100 on each.

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4. Calling Out Racism

Nova Scotia First Nations Client Linkage Registry Infographic – Long Description

Together, with provincial and federal partners, our Mi’kmaw communities in Nova Scotia created Nova Scotia First Nations Client Linkage Registry. This is an update to the communities about our health information, produced by the Strenth in Numbers project (2018).

At this time, our registry does not include Acadia and Sipekne’katik First Nations population numbers.

Live Longer.

  • Population-level health information gives us quality data to support community education and planning.
  • Between 2004-2013 80%, of all deaths in our communities were premature, compared to 38% in NS overall.
  • Premature deaths are defined as deaths that occur before the age of 75.
  • 6 out of every 10 deaths in our communities could potentially have been avoided with prevention or treatment.

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Transforming Practice: Learning Equity, Learning Excellence Copyright © 2022 by Social Equity Working Group Curriculum Committee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.