13 Academic Integrity and Citing Sources

When creating a documentary about academic research, it is important to note the sources of the information that you include. For example, you may want to include a quote from an academic paper about the subject the documentary is discussing.

If you are creating a documentary film or podcast, there are a number of ways to cite sources, such as:

  • Adding citations to the credits at the end
  • Including a mention of the source within the narration (e.g. “In his book Example Book Title, John Smith notes that books are excellent.”)
  • (for video) Using a lower third that contains a citation. This tutorial shows how to create a lower third in Kdenlive
  • Including a bibliography in the show notes (if there are any show notes). If you are creating a podcast, you could mention briefly at the end of the episode that the show notes for the episode contains a bibliography


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