

This book offers you an introduction to a different sort of language, the vocabulary and the grammar for navigating and leading in organizational complexity, whether you’re a worker, manager, executive, anywhere in the organization.  A vocabulary for uniquely comprehending organizational complexity and a grammar as a tool for shaping how we talk about navigating complexity, and how we lead in a way that enables us to manage complexity effectively. All skills required so that we can be productive and create the value that an organization needs us to create. By illuminating organizational complexity, by giving us vocabulary and grammar, we can move forward, we can adapt positively and effectively. And that is what we are about to do.

-Dr. James R. Barker-


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Leading in Organizational Complexity Copyright © 2023 by James R. Barker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.