
5 Electroencephalography

Regan Boucher

Learning Objectives

  • Describe what the International 10-20 system is and how it relates to the data acquisition of an electroencephalogram.
  • Recognize and describe various brain disorders that can be detected by using an electroencephalogram.
  • Define spatial resolution and explain why it could be considered a limitation of electroencephalogram.
  • Describe the four brain frequency pattern waves and how each pattern correlates to a specific brain state.

What is Electroencephalogram (EEG)?

An Electroencephalogram (EEG) is an effective modality which helps to detect abnormalities within brain waves, or in the electrical activity of the brain. An EEG functions to acquire real-time signals which corresponds to a section of the scalps surface area, in order to measure the recordings of electrical signals. Before the testing process, electrodes are placed on the scalp via conductive gel, following the international 10-20 system. Electrodes are circular metal disks with thin wires that can detect electrical signals, which result from the activity of the brain cells. For the duration of the test, the technician will present verbal instructions to follow which are intended to stimulate the brain in different ways. For instance, the verbal instructions can consist of simple hand and eye movements in order to detect signals.

EEGs are a continuous measure of electrical brain activity, used to detect brain abnormalities, which is presented in the form of a recording. Often times EEG recordings and event related potentials (ERPs) are categorized as the same thing. D. Brandeis & D. Lehmann(2012) describe ERPs as “a recording of the electric field which the brain produces in fixed time-relation to an event”. As ERPs open what we call a time and space window onto covert steps of brain information by processing the overt behavior or private experiences. ERPs are classified as a non-invasive method which resolves the dynamic pattern of events in the human brain, down to the millisecond range D. Brandeis & D. Lehmann (2012). EPRs are simply small changes in the scalp-recorded EEG which are time-locked to the onset of an event. As an EEG provides an excellent medium to understand neurobiological dysregulation, with the potential to evaluate neurotransmission. Overall, this helps to capture neural activity related to both sensory and cognitive processes of the brain S. Sur & K. Sinha (2009). 


Electrode Placement and Labelling

The International 10-20 system is an internationally recognized system that is used to both describe and apply the location of electrodes to the scalp, for EEG testing the standardized purpose is to ensure all results can be complied for analysis. This system is strategically based on the relationship between the location of the electrode placement site and the underlying area of the brain Rojas and Colleagues (2018). The “10” and “20” of the system refers to the actual distance (10% or 20%) between the adjacent electrodes, to the distance of the skull. Each electrode placement corresponds with a letter in order to identify the lobe or area of the brain that is being read Rojas and Colleagues (2018). Along with each identifying letter there is also a number that corresponds, by following a specific system. Even-numbered electrodes refer to the electrodes that are placed on the right hemisphere of the head whereas, odd-numbered electrodes refer to the electrodes that are placed on the left hemisphere of the head Rojas and Colleagues (2018).  These specific anatomical landmarks are used not only for essential measuring, but also the positioning of  each electrode.

What are EEGs most commonly known to detect?

As previously mentioned, an EEG is a neurological test which can help to detect changes in brain activity that might be useful in the diagnosis of brain disorders. EEGs are meant to provide results at the time of the test but cannot provide results for what happens to a brain at any other time after the test occurs. Clinically, EEGs are most commonly used in the process of diagnosing epilepsy or other seizure related disorders. As well, EEGs are also performed in other studies such as sleep studies and monitoring the depth of anesthesia studies, as this presents the opportunity to monitor changes in human brain electrical activity of consciousness. One common misconception with EEGs is that the test itself only gives information about electrical activity of the brain. In other words, an EEG cannot provide any further evidence of damages or physical abnormalities with the brain. This is what other modalities such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) scans are used for, just to name a few.

How to extract data from an EEG?

The traditional method of extracting data from an EEG has many features. Often times after an EEG has taken place, the main focus is to extract the frequency patterns that were collected from the broadband EEG. Here there are several software packages which can be used for the analysis of the data. Often times the software will allow the change of frequency bands based on the routine definitions (see figure 3.1. For instance, Delta 1-4Hz). Related to Wei and colleagues (2019) work, the discussion of epilepsy as a neurological disorder is present, as clinicians usually diagnose epilepsy by interpreting EEG manually. This proposes a novel automatic epileptic EEG detection method based on convolutional neural network (CNN), with two innovative improvements, treating this task as a big data classification issue. Wei and colleagues (2019) bring forward the idea that an expert understanding of neural activity and frequency patterns must be obtained in order for a timed-series EEG recording to be extracted.  This process functions by a sliding window, which then passes through the CNN model and acts as an epileptic EEG classification model. Results achieve high sensitivity and specificity which yield novel improvements in the automatic epileptic EEG classification performance. In short, Wei and colleagues (2019), propose that extraction follows a pattern recognition approach that discriminates EEG signals recorded during different cognitive conditions.

The four basic EEG patterns

According to Teplan (2002), there are four simple periodic patterns that are recorded in the EEG, which are; alpha, beta, delta, and theta. These patterns record neural activity and are identified by frequency (Hz) as well as amplitude, which is recorded by the scalp electrodes in the range of microvolts (uV). Each of the four EEG patterns are associated with a different level of cortical arousal, which refers to the firing of patterns of the neuron of the cerebral cortex. In general, as the frequency of the EEG patterns decrease, the level of cortical arousal will diminish, and as the level of arousal diminishes the EEG pattern increases in amplitude, thus, frequency and amplitude are inversely related to the process of an EEG. Tephan (2002), goes on to mention the importance of each neural activity which sparks, and their designated placement, as this is what gives the ultimate signal of the functioning or non-functioning regions.

  • Alpha rhythm: Calm, reflective, and resting state.
  • Beta rhythm: Alert, Focused, and awake state.
  • Theta rhythm: Drowsiness state.
  • Delta rhythm: Deep sleep.


There are many positive features to an EEG such as, providing the ability to see brain activity as it unfolds in real time, based on the level of milliseconds. Although, there are also negative features to an EEG as well. The most common being Spatial Resolution. With spatial resolution, electrodes act as a measurement of electrical activity at the surface of the brain, it becomes difficult to know exactly where in the brain the electrical activity is being produced, near the surface (in the cortex of the brain) or if the signal was produced from a deeper region of the brain. Wei and colleagues (2019), discuss how an EEG is still a great method for detecting brain abnormalities. Modern technology is evolving which provides more insight towards EEGs as they are both painless and safe for everyone to encounter. Noting that “EEGs hold a lot of power and are still primarily being used to evaluate several types of brain disorders by activating the speed of frequency waves on the EEG” Wei and colleagues (2019).


Event-Related Potential – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/neuroscience/event-related-potential#:~:text=Event%2Drelated%20potentials%20(ERPs)

Methods in Neuropsychology. (2012). ScienceDirect. Chapter eight (151-168) https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9780080320267/methods-in-neuropsychology

Rojas, G. M., Alvarez, C., Montoya, C., De, M., Cisternas, J., & Galvez, M. (2018). Multimodal Study of Resting-State Functional Connectivity Networks using EEG electrodes position as seed.

Sur, S., & Sinha, V. (2009). Event-related potential: An overview. Industrial Psychiatry Journal, 18(1), 70. https://doi.org/10.4103/0972-6748.57865

Teplan, M. (2002). FUNDAMENTALS OF EEG MEASUREMENT. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE REVIEW, 2(2). http://www.edumed.org.br/cursos/neurociencia/MethodsEEGMeasurement.pdf

Wei, Z., Zou, J., Zhang, J., & Xu, J. (2019). Automatic epileptic EEG detection using convolutional neural network with improvements in time-domain. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 53, 101551. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2019.04.0



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