
13 Brain Activation in Normal versus Lucid Dreaming

Abby Clark

Learning Objectives

  • Compare and contrast brain activity during normal dreaming versus lucid dreaming.
  • Describe the main characteristics of the lucid and non-lucid dreaming experience.
As a child I often experienced nightmares which affected my sleep for many years. I would wake up in a panic and was too scared to go back to sleep. I recall one night when I was having a nightmare, I suddenly became aware that what I was experiencing was not real. I was no longer scared because I knew I was dreaming. This enabled me to change the course of the nightmare and wake myself up when I was overwhelmed. Looking back, I now realize that I had trained myself to lucid dream – a sleeping state where one is aware that they are dreaming and on occasion they can even alter their dreams.

Superstitions surrounding the origins of dreams were quite common in ancient cultures. Some believed dreams were messages sent by gods or spirits. When dreams were brought to religious leaders such as priests or shamans, they would decipher a “divine message” within the dream. The message usually contained helpful insights or predictions. One example is in ancient Greece, citizens suffering from physical ailments would sleep in the temples of the god Asclepius where they would receive “divine dreams” that when brought to a priest for interpretation would prescribe treatment for their ailments (Wamsley, E.J., 2013). Although this was a popular belief among many cultures, there was no scientific evidence. One of the first people to attempt a scientific approach to dream theory was Sigmund Freud. He developed analytic dream theory in the early 20th century which stated that dreams were the key to accessing the unconscious mind. Even though his theory may have followed scientific procedures, it did not have empirical evidence to support it.   Furthermore, a common misconception up until the 1950’s was the predominant belief that the brain was “turned off” during sleep with little to no brain activity processing occurring (Wamsley, E.J., 2013). However, current research has demonstrated that many brain regions are active during sleep (Wamsley, E.J., 2013). There is still debate concerning the origins of dreams, but they are often explained as thoughts and images we experience during sleep consisting of information received during wakefulness  (Wamsley, E.J., 2013). Everyone experiences multiple dreams every night, but most dreams are forgotten upon awaking. A common misconception is that dreams only occur during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep, a sleeping state where the eyes move rapidly behind closed eyes and brain activity increases. However, dreaming also occurs during NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep which is characterized by slower brain waves and less brain activity compared to REM. Although dreaming is experienced during all sleep stages, we experience the most vivid and intense sleep mentation in REM sleep (Dresler et al., 2012). The development of EEG, fMRI, and PET technology (see Cognitive Neuroscience Methods chapter) has been essential for the progression of research in brain activity during sleep and dreaming.

Lucid versus non-lucid dreaming

Non-lucid dreams (AKA normal dreams) are experienced by everyone. During non-lucid dreaming, the dreamer is not aware that they are sleeping and may not be able to tell if their experience is real. In contrast to lucid dreaming, which occurs more often during REM sleep,  normal dreaming occurs regularly in all sleep stages. There are three stages of NMREM sleep. although each stage consists of unique mental processes, these stages are all characterized by slowing down of breathing, muscle activity, heartbeat, and brain waves (Sleep Foundation, 2023). Stage one and two of NREM sleep are considered light sleep, and stage three is considered deep sleep (Sleep Foundation, 2023). As mentioned above, the origins and purpose of dreaming are still unknown although there are many theories.

As mentioned in the introduction, lucid dreaming consists of cognitive features of waking and dreaming (Dresler et al., 2012). As a result, the dreamer can often control the dream, passively observe the course of the dream and on occasion, even wake themselves up from the dream (Schredl et al, 2022), but these features can vary depending on the dreamer and the dream. Any aspect of a lucid dream can be altered, from the environment to the storyline and even the people. The content of lucid dreams is on average more pleasant than that of non-lucid dreams due to the dreamer’s ability to control their actions and the activities in the dream (Schredl et al., 2022). Lucid dreaming often occurs during REM sleep but there are rare cases of lucid dreaming occurring in NREM sleep (Stumbrys & Erlacher, 2012).  As stated by Dresler et al. (2012), in comparison to non-lucid REM sleep, lucid dreams are associated with increased 40-Hz activity and increased coherence in frontal regions shown by quantitative EEG data. Not everyone experiences lucid dreaming. Schredl & Erlacher (2011) estimated only about half of the population has at least one lucid dream in their lifetime. Although research on lucid dreaming has progressed significantly, it is not known why only some people experience lucid dreaming. Age may be a factor, as it is more common in children and young adults.

Although not everyone naturally experiences lucid dreams, as shown in the story in the introduction suggests, it can be learned. A pilot study conducted by Spoormaker & Van den Bout (2006), aimed to evaluate the effects of lucid dreaming treatment (LDT) on chronic nightmares. Nightmare sufferers were taught to become lucid in their nightmare through various daily exercises that they could attempt to perform in their nightmare to change the outcome. There were two groups, one group received individual LDT sessions, and the other group completed their LDT sessions in a group setting. Of the participants that received individual LDT 7 had fewer nightmares, but only 4 experienced lucidity and could alter their nightmares at follow-up. Of the participants that received group treatment, only 4 had fewer nightmares, and 2 experienced lucidity. Although this is a small pilot study, the experimentation of lucid dreaming as a treatment for nightmares is promising.

Brain activation during lucid versus non-lucid dreaming in fMRI and EEG data

FMRI and EEG technology are commonly used to study brain activity during sleep. A case study conducted by Dresler et al. (2012), combined EEG and fMRI with the aim of “revealing the neural correlates of lucidity per se by contrasting lucid vs. non-lucid REM sleep.” Four experienced lucid dreamers were recruited for the study (however, only one became lucid twice while under EEG/fMRI conditions – making it a case study). During the study, participants slept in an fMRI scanner under concurrent polysomnographic (EEG/EOG/EMG) monitoring for two to six successive nights (fifteen nights in total). The participants were to perform a simple task immediately after becoming lucid. In the lucid dream, they were instructed to move their eyes from left-right-left-right (LRLR), then clench their left hand for ten seconds, repeat the LRLR sign, then clench their right hand for ten seconds. Participants would repeat these signals for as long as possible.

The results of this study showed many cortical areas significantly activated during lucid REM sleep that are deactivated during non-lucid REM sleep. An increase in activity was found in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the parietal lobules, the bilateral frontopolar areas, the bilateral cuneus, the occipitotemporal cortices, and the strongest increase in activation observed occurring in the precuneus during lucid REM sleep shown in Figure 1.  Functions of these brain regions vary vastly; the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is associated with self-focused metacognitive evaluation. Activation in the parietal lobules and simultaneous activation in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex may suggest working memory demands relating to the task performed in the study. The bilateral frontopolar areas are related to the processing of internal states for example, evaluation of thoughts and feelings. The bilateral cuneus and occipitotemporal cortices are a part of the ventral stream of visual processing, involved in several aspects of conscious awareness in visual perception. Finally, the precuneus is a brain region implicated in self-referential processing, such as a first-person perspective and experience of agency.  Dresler et al. (2012), discussed the support of these findings in recent quantitative EEG data that show the wake-like state is paralleled by neural activations in the frontal and frontolateral regions (Voss et al., 2008). Furthermore, PET data has also shown cognitive control in dreams is associated with activation of the frontal cortex components  (Shapiro et al., 1995). The data obtained from the study by Dresler et al. (2012) suggests lucid REM dreaming is characterized by the regaining of these higher cognitive abilities that are deactivated during non-lucid dreaming. These higher cognitive abilities may be what enable the dreamer to be aware of the dreaming state.

Two panels with T1-weighted MRI images. Coloured regions are overlaid as per the caption.
Figure 1. Brain areas that demonstrated significant activation in the study conducted by Dresler et al., 2012. Note that these are not the actual areas of activation. The sagittal plane is displayed. The left panel shows the medial prefrontal cortex (yellow), the precuneus (pink), and the lingual gyrus (cyan). The right panel shows the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (yellow), the middle/frontal dorsolateral prefrontal (green), the superior parietal lobules (purple), and the temporal occipital lobe (blue).


Dresler, M., Wehrle, R., Spoormaker, V. I., Koch, S. P., Holsboer, F., Steiger, A., Obrig, H., Samann, P. G., & Czisch, M. (2012). Neural correlates of dream lucidity obtained from contrasting lucid versus non-lucid REM sleep: a combined EEG/fMRI case study. Sleep, 35(7), 1017-1020. https://academic-oup-com.libproxy.stfx.ca/sleep/article/35/7/1017/2558845?login=true&token=eyJhbGciOiJub25lIn0.eyJleHAiOjE2Nzk2ODk2MjMsImp0aSI6ImE4YmFhZDgxLTE5NDUtNGIzYS05ZmE3LTkxNGQ3ZmFlM2JhMCJ9.

Pacheco, D. (2023, February 14). What is NREM sleep. Sleep Foundation. https://www.sleepfoundation.org/stages-of-sleep/nrem-sleep

Schredl, M., Fuchs, C., & Mallet, R. (2022). Differences between lucid and non-lucid dream reports: a within-subjects design. Dreaming, 32(4), 345-352. https://web.s.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=0&sid=715ca1ba-f2a7-4eeb-8f7e-bc716ca96188%40redis

Schredl, M., & Erlacher, D. (2011). Frequency of lucid dreaming in a representative German sample. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 112(1), 104–108. https://doi.org/10.2466/09.PMS.112.1.104-108

Shapiro, D. H., Wu, J., Hong, C., Buchsbaum, M. S., et al. (1995). Exploring the relationship between having control and losing control to functional neuroanatomy within the sleeping state. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient, 38(3), 133–145. https://psycnet.apa.org/record/1996-36500-001

Spoormaker, V. I., & Van den Bout, J. (2006). Lucid dreaming treatment for nightmares: a pilot study. lucid dream treatment for nightmares: a pilot study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 75(6), 389-394. https://www.proquest.com/docview/235469783?parentSessionId=xdN%2FSsWKK1ZerYuumwe85bsou9x46%2Fn%2BSDC6U6G5NOs%3D&pq-origsite=primo&accountid=13803

Stumbrys, T., Erlacher, D., Johnson, M., & Schredl, M. (2014). The phenomenology of lucid dreaming: an online survey. The American Journal of Psychology, 127(1), 191-204. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263207397_The_Phenomenology_of_Lucid_Dreaming_An_Online_Survey

Voss, U., Holzmann, R., Tuin, I., & Hobson, J. A. (2009). Lucid dreaming: A state of consciousness with features of both waking and non-lucid dreaming. Sleep: Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorders Research, 32(9), 1191–1200. https://doi.org/10.1093/sleep/32.9.1191

Wamsley, E. J. (2013). Dreaming, waking conscious experience, and the resting brain: report of subjective experience as a tool in the cognitive neurosciences. Frontiers in Pychology, 4. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00637/full


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