Book Title: Thinking Critically About Classrooms and Curriculum
Subtitle: Negotiating School

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Book Description: Matters of social justice appear in various provincial curricula, but are often taught in isolation from a pedagogical discourse around issues of diversity.
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Book Description
Conversations about oppression, marginalization, at-risk children, and the specific manifestations of these issues are neither novel nor unfamiliar in educational circles. Well-intentioned educators have grappled with how to address these topics for years. As university educators who teach within a social justice framework, we acknowledge these lived realities and the everyday effects they have on individuals. We also believe that there is a parallel perspective to this which is equally important: a strenuous and deliberate examination of one’s own privileges. This book examines some key critical moments in schooling processes and practices and the impacts that these decisions and policies have on the lives of students and teachers.
Thinking Critically About Classrooms and Curriculum Copyright © 2022 by Valda Leighteizer and Sonya Singer is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.