

For clarity, the following terminology will be used throughout this policy.



This will be used throughout this policy to distinguish between programs, for example, Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc), Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies (BACS), Bachelor of Education (BEd), etc.



This word will be used to distinguish within a credential between the type of degree independent of any major, focus or option.  Examples: 90 credit general, 120 credit major, double major, honours, etc.



This word refers to the focus of the degree, whether this is a concentration, major, option, etc.  Examples: English, Psychology, Physics, Accounting, Intermediate/Secondary Education, etc.


To illustrate: 120 credits Bachelor of Arts Major in Psychology:

Credential: Bachelor of Arts

Degree: 120 credits

Discipline: Psychology


Requirements for Earning a Second Undergraduate Degree

1. Second Different Credential: 


a) The regulations of the second credential program must be satisfied.


b) A candidate for a second credential must complete a minimum of 30 credits over and above the credits required for the first credential.  More than 30 credits may be required to satisfy requirements of the second credential. Transfer credits or course challenges cannot be used to satisfy the 30 credits required.


c) Normally, candidates for a second credential may not choose the same discipline as in the first undergraduate credential.  However, candidates whose first credential was a 90 credit degree may complete a different 120 credit degree in the same discipline as the first credential.  For example, students who graduate with a 90 credit Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology may go on to complete a 120 credit Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Psychology. In this case the new 120 credit degree will replace the 90 credit degree previously awarded. A notation will appear on the transcript indicating that the new degree replaces the one previously awarded.


2. Second Degree within the Same Credential: 


a) Candidates who hold a 90 credit degree may upgrade to a 120 credit degree within the same credential and in the same discipline. In this case the new 120 credit degree will replace the 90 credit degree previously awarded. A notation will appear on the transcript indicating that the new degree replaces the one previously awarded.


b) Candidates who holds a 120 credit degree in a single discipline will be allowed to upgrade to a 120 credit double major degree with the following conditions:

    • They must satisfy all departmental regulations with respect to the second major.
    •  A notation will be added to the transcript indicating “Double major in _________ and _________ replaces previously awarded degree”.


c) Candidates will be allowed to add a new discipline to a previously awarded 120 credit degree with the following conditions:

    •  They must satisfy all departmental regulations for the single major or concentration in the discipline. 


ii) A notation will be added to the transcript signifying “Major (Concentration) in    ________”.


Note: For clarification, the distinction between items b) and c) above is as follows.  Item b) refers to the case in which a student has a single discipline 120 credit major and has subsequently satisfied the requirements for a second major within a double major degree.  Item c), on the other hand, refers to the case in which a student has a single or double discipline 120 credit degree and subsequently satisfies all of the requirements for a new single major 120 credit degree.  It should be noted that the requirements for a second major within a double major degree are generally far less stringent than the requirements for the major within a single discipline 120 credit degree.


d) Candidates will be permitted to upgrade from a major to honours as long as departmental regulations are satisfied.  The notation “Certificate of Honours Standing in ___________” will be added to the transcript.


Conversion of a CBU Diploma to an Undergraduate degree in the Same Discipline

Candidates who have been awarded a CBU Diploma may complete an undergraduate degree in the same discipline. They must complete a minimum of 30 credits over and above the credits required for the diploma. Transfer credits or course challenges cannot be used to satisfy the 30 credits required. Prior learning assessments cannot be used to satisfy the 30 credits required. The awarding of the undergraduate degree will be noted on the transcript with a notation indicating it replaces the previously awarded diploma.


Candidates who simultaneously complete both the requirements for a diploma and those for a degree in the same discipline may only graduate with the degree. Application to graduate with the diploma will not be accepted.



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