
Exam Policy 

Policy Name

Exam Policy & Regulations

Policy Number

AC-04 September 20


Academic Committee



Date of Original Approval


Senate Approval Dates


Effective from



22 -02- 01

Review Date


Responsibility for Review

Academic Committee

Responsibility for Implementation

Registrar, Faculty and Deans


Examinations play a significant part in the evaluation process of many courses. Students should therefore be familiar with the following procedures associated with formal examinations. Any new material covered on the day of a scheduled, for-credit, test or exam, may not be included on that test or exam.

The following policies apply to all exams, for on-campus and online courses offered for credit at Cape Breton University. This includes final exams, midterm exams, laboratory examinations, practical exams, and similar assessments.

For all exam components, whether in-person or online, the precise procedures are at the discretion of the instructor.


An exam, or examination, means any component of a final exam, midterm exam, or smaller quiz used for assessment in a course at CBU that is:

• summative

• supervised

Note that even a short quiz is, therefore, covered under this definition of exam. The reasoning for this is as follows:

• A quiz is subject to all of the same academic integrity issues that a longer exam is.

• The rules around scheduling of midterm exams applies to quizzes. This puts very few restrictions on instructors scheduling quizzes during class time, but does restrict the use of synchronous quizzes outside of class time. Asynchronous quizzes (i.e. written at times chosen by the student) are unaffected. See the specific rules below on scheduling of midterm exams.

• An instructor has full authority to set the procedures for exams taking place outside the Fieldhouse. So quizzes run during class time can utilize as much of or as little of the process typical of an exam as the instructor wishes.

A component of an exam is any scheduled or unscheduled (e.g. asynchronous) assessment which is counted as part of the mark of an exam. The term “component of an exam” is simply acknowledging that the professor may break an exam into different parts which are administered in different ways, and possibly at different times.

A synchronous component of an exam is any component, such as a conventional face-to-face exam session, a timed online quiz, oral exam, or a sitting supervised by video conference, during which the student participates in part of the exam during a scheduled time, with supervision which could be in-person or virtual.

An asynchronous component of an exam is any component, such as a take-home exam or certain online activities, where the student has a degree of flexibility to decide when and for how long they will work on the exam component.

The exam environment is the space where a synchronous exam component is being held. It includes the room where students are writing the exam, the hallways outside that room, any nearby washrooms, and any breakout rooms or other rooms that are being used by the students and invigilators during the exam.

An invigilator is anyone with supervisory responsibilities during a synchronous exam component, including but not limited to the instructor.

Official Exam Regulations

The following rules are in place for all final exams scheduled by the Registrar’s Office to occur in the Fieldhouse: Note: Many of these rules and protocols apply to classroom exams.

  1. Invigilators will arrive 1 hour before the scheduled exam time in order to attend a security briefing, to distribute the exam materials, and to give instructors an opportunity to brief other invigilators on any special rules for their own exams, such as allowed and disallowed materials.
  2. Students must arrive on time and are required to have a valid CBU student ID card that will be scanned in order to gain entry to their in-person exams.
  3. Once a student arrives to desk to write their exam, the student must display their Student ID on the upper left-hand side of the desk.
  4. Late Arrival: Students arriving at the examination after the beginning of the scheduled exam time (up to 30 minutes) will be admitted; however, the staff at the door of the Fieldhouse must escort the student to their instructor to minimize distraction to other students. Forgetfulness or inadvertently arriving at the wrong time or place cannot be considered acceptable excuses.


The instructor will decide whether:

a. The student will be allowed to write the exam at that time-line

b. The student and instructor will meet after the exam is over to discuss what will happen.

Note: Students will not be admitted to the Examination Room thirty minutes after the beginning of the examination. Students will not be permitted to leave the examination within the first 30 minutes.

Exam In Progress Rules/Regulations

  1. Students are not permitted to bring electronic devices, including cell phones and iWatches or Smart watches to the seating area. These items should be placed in an envelope, provided by the University, for students to place under the seat of their desk. Students found in possession of unauthorized aids may be subject to disciplinary action. All materials or equipment are subject to inspection.
  2. As stated in the general principles for exam security, the instructor makes final decisions about what materials and aids are allowed in the exam. For example, an instructor may opt to allow students to have calculators during the exam. However, under no circumstances will devices able to access the internet (such as computers and smart phones) be allowed during exams in the Fieldhouse. If an instructor wishes to allow access to such devices during an exam then they should hold their exam outside the Fieldhouse.
  3. Students may not leave their seats during an examination except with the consent of the invigilator.
  4. To ensure exam integrity: All caps, hats, large hooded/bulky sweatshirts with pockets and jackets should be placed on the back of the student’s chair or hung on the provided hangers.
  5. Students are advised not to bring valuables to the examination room. (The university is not responsible for valuables brought into any of the locations where examinations are written.)
  6. Drinks brought into the Fieldhouse must not produce danger of spilling. Drinks must be in water bottles or similar unlabelled closed containers. No food may be brought into the Fieldhouse during exams. See the General Principles Regarding Exam Integrity and Security for recommendations on how to handle students needing accommodation with regards to eating during the exam.
  7. Students must leave the exam environment upon completion of the exam.
  8. Talking or any other form of communication between students is absolutely forbidden. If students have a question, they may raise their hand and it will be addressed.
  9. Students should report possible instances of cheating to the invigilator. If there are other complaints, students should communicate their concerns to the professor or exam coordinator within 24 hours of the conclusion of the exam.
  10.  Students may request a washroom break or report illness by raising their hand to the invigilator and are expected to sign in and out for this request.
  11. All exam materials will be distributed before the start of the exam.
  12. Children are not permitted in exam area.
  13. Where a student does not have a student ID card, reasonable accommodation will be made to allow them to demonstrate their identity with some other official photo ID. Ultimately the principle to be followed is that the instructor must be reasonably confident of the identity of the student.
  14. Students are expected to write their examinations in an honest and straightforward manner. Where there are reasonable grounds for believing a violation of exam protocol has occurred, the student will be subject to the disciplinary procedures and sanctions according to the academic calendar.
  15. Only currently registered students will be permitted to write the final exam.
  16.  If a crisis/illness occurs during an examination that prevents a student from continuing with the exam, the student must report to the course instructor/invigilator (or equivalent), hand in the unfinished exam and request the exam be cancelled. Students will be required to provide supporting documentation confirming the illness/crisis experienced during the examination. This should be provided to the faculty within 48 hours. Student will need to make alternate arrangements with their faculty to reschedule the exam. Depending on the crisis medical assistance may be required and Campus Security and/or 911 might need to be called.
Note: The first time a student is caught talking or being disruptive during exam with another student will be moved to the front row of the exam area, the second time they are caught talking they will be removed from the exam.
Additional Information: Exams that are planned to be less than 3 hours are not suitable for the Fieldhouse as large numbers of students leaving in the middle of the exam session cause a disruption for other classes. If possible, exams that are planned to take less than 3 hours should be scheduled in another location. Exceptions can be made for large classes, but in this case measures must be taken to have the class leave in an orderly and quiet fashion.   

Online Exams

Specific rules for online exams will be covered in a separate policy which is to be viewed as part of this policy. However, the general principles listed in this policy should apply to online exams as well.

Scheduling of Examinations 

Examinations are formally scheduled by the Office of the Registrar and Admissions in December and April. Examinations are also held at the conclusion of the spring and summer sessions. For final exams, if a synchronous component of the exam is being used, then the time scheduled by the Registrar during the final exam period should be used.

All students writing examinations are required to show a CBU ID card.

No cumulative test or examination may be held in any course in either the five teaching days or the study period immediately preceding the December and April examination periods, with two exceptions: i.e practical laboratory examinations and ii. make-up exams for individual students who were absent from an exam scheduled earlier in the semester.  This provision cannot be waived even by mutual consent of student and instructor. For the purposes of this rule, a cumulative test or exam is one which covers more than the previous two weeks of material covered in the course.  The study period is defined as the period of time between the last day of classes and the beginning of the examination period

Take home examinations cannot be assigned (and distributed) any later than the last day of classes in term. They cannot have a due date earlier than the sixth (6th) day of exams. Take home examinations cannot be due aft either last day of the exam period.

See important dates for more information:

Important Dates

Deferred Examinations

Students should notify their instructor(s) immediately if they must miss an examination due to a medical or other serious reason. Upon request, the dean of the school and the instructor may approve a deferred examination.

Note: Documentation may be requested to be approved to defer an examination.

Postponement of Examinations

If an examination cannot be held at the scheduled time because of inclement weather or other circumstances, other examinations will be written as scheduled and the postponed examinations will be rescheduled by the Office of the Registrar and Admissions on the first available day after the completion of the examination schedule.

Midterm exams and other exams which were scheduled without the involvement of the Registrar will be rescheduled via consultation between the instructor and the students if they cannot be written at the original planned time because of inclement weather or other reasons.


Extraordinary Circumstances

This refers to emergency situations where it was not possible to make arrangements prior to the exam and so a new date is arranged. It applies to emergencies which prevented the student from attending the exam, or which arose during the writing of the exam. It also applies to situations in which a student has written the exam but subsequently claims that there were extenuating circumstances such that they should not have written the exam. In such a case the student may request an opportunity to retake the exam.

This policy does not apply to situations in which the student has written the exam, and is claiming extenuating circumstances having had an opportunity to find out their mark. A student claiming extenuating circumstances in such a case should use the grade appeal process.

Where either the student claims extenuating circumstances, or the instructor has decided independently that extenuating circumstances apply, the instructor may:

• decide to allow or disallow the student to write another examination

• the instructor shall not request documentation or corroboration. If the instructor wishes there to be documentation or corroboration they should consult with the dean.

• decide to consult with the dean before making a decision

• the dean may request documentation and/or corroboration to verify the reasons for the request

• whatever the outcome of the consultation between the instructor and dean, the final decision lies with the instructor

The dean will be informed of the alternate exam being written whether they were consulted on the decision or not.

Where the request for an alternate exam under extenuating circumstances has been denied, the student may appeal the decision through the regular appeals process via the Academic Calendar: Exam Information, CBU Academic Calendar.

Cumulative Test Information

No cumulative test or examination may be held in any course in either the five teaching days as between the last day of classes and the beginning of the examination period) immediately preceding the December and April examination periods, with two exceptions: i.e. practical

Supplementary Examinations

Supplemental exams are governed by all other policies and procedures found elsewhere in this document with the exception of scheduling since supplemental exams normally occur after the end of the semester during which the course occurred and so they must be scheduled differently from other exams.

Departments shall establish a policy on whether or not they will permit supplemental exams and this will be included on the course outline. The department shall inform the Registrar’s Office of their policy for planning purposes. Departmental policy may include the right of individual course instructors to decide whether supplemental exams are available in their own courses. Departments are free to make separate decisions about lab or other practical exams.

An exam rewritten on the basis of extenuating circumstances is not considered a supplemental, and therefore not limited to a bare pass.

Where a departmental policy and/or instructor is allowing supplemental exams, they will only be made under the following circumstances

• The student has failed the course

• There are not extenuating circumstances which would justify an exam under the Extraordinary Circumstances section, above.

• The student must be in both good academic standing and good financial standing

• The student must have achieved a minimum mark in the course of 10% less than the passing grade in the student’s program.

Scheduling of all supplemental exams shall be handled through the Registrar. Students must apply to write supplemental exams by submitting the appropriate form to the Registrar. The application must be submitted within the first 5 class days of the semester following the completion of the course. The supplemental exam shall occur within the first 10 class days of the semester following the completion of the course.

The application to apply for a supplemental exam will go live according to the policy dates outlined above. Failure to apply for a Supplemental Exam may result in the inability to participate in the exam.

The Supplemental Application will be within the Academic Calendar under Examination Information and on the Registrar’s Office Webpage https://www.cbu.ca/current-students/registrars-office/


The Registrar may set a processing deposit which will be required as part of any application to write a supplemental exam. The deposit shall be refunded if it is decided that the student does not qualify for a supplemental exam. The deposit will also be refunded when the instructor confirms to the Registrar that the student has written the supplemental exam.

The maximum final mark resulting from writing a supplemental exam is the pass mark for the program that the student is registered in.

The mark resulting from the supplemental replaces the original final mark on the student’s transcript. If the resulting mark is lower than the original mark will stand.

The following limitations apply to the number of supplemental exams which can be granted to any student:

• No student shall write more than one supplemental exam per semester. The spring and summer intersessions shall each be considered a semester for this purpose.

• No student shall write more than one supplemental exam in the same course

• Apply to Write a Supplemental Exam Click Here!


Examinations and ii. make-up exams for individual students who were absent from an exam scheduled earlier in the semester. This provision cannot be waived, even by mutual consent of student Financial Regulations and Policy


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