
Students must consult the Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies (BACS) degree regulations that form minimum requirements for the relevant programs in all subjects. Students choosing to do a directed study must consult with the Chair of the Department within the September registration deadlines. However, they are encouraged to consult with the Chair prior to the registration period.  Listed below are special or additional requirements that must also be met by students in English programs.


 Bachelor of Arts (BA) Concentration (30 credits in English)

  • No more than 6 credits at the 1000 level may be used in the Concentration
  • ENGL2610
  • At least 3 credits from Category 1 and at least 3 credits from Category 2.
  • At least 6 credits at the 4000 level


Bachelor of Arts (BA) / Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies (BACS) Minor (24 credits in English)

  • No more than 6 credits at the 1000 level may be used in the Minor.
  • At least 6 credits at the 3000 level or above.


Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies (BACS) Academic Field (24 Credits)

  • 24 credits in one discipline with at least 6 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level


Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies (BACS) Major (48 credits in English)

  • No more than 6 credits at the 1000 level may be used in the Major
  • At least 6 credits from Category 1 and at least 6 credits from Category 2.
  • ENGL2610
  • At least 9 credits must be at the 4000 level.


Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies (BACS) Major (48 credits in English with Specialization in Dramatic Literature)

  • No more than 6 credits at the 1000 level may be used in the Major
  • At least 6 credits from Category 1 and at least 6 credits from Category 2.
  • At least 24 credits in dramatic literature, including ENGL2240
  • 9 credits must be at the 4000 level.


Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies (BACS) Double Major (36 credits in English)

  • No more than 6 credits at the 1000 level may be used in the Major
  • At least 6 credits from Category 1 and at least 6 credits from Category 2.
  • ENGL2610
  • 18 credits at the 3000 level or above, including at least 6 credits at the 4000 level (program change effective Sept 1, 2020)


Multidisciplinary Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies (BACS) (with English)

Please refer to BA or BACS program requirements regarding the development of a Multidisciplinary degree. Students interested in using English as one of the subjects in a Multidisciplinary BA or BACS should consult with the Department Chair.


Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Arts in Community Studies (BACS) Honours (66 credits in English)

  • No more than 6 credits at the 1000 level may be used in the Honours
  • At least 12 credits from Category 1 and at least 12 credits from Category 2.
  • At least 6 credits from Category 3.
  • ENGL2610
  • At least 15 credits at the 4000 level, including ENGL4900.
  • Students in their graduating year must consult with the Chair about their Honours thesis as early as possible, and no later than the second week of September


Category 1: English Literature before 1800

Category 2: English Literature after 1800

Category 3 : Literary Theory

No Category: Courses that do not fulfill specific Category requirements but may be counted elsewhere in the degree.

ENGL2100 History of the English Language (6)

ENGL2301 Victorian Poetry (3)

ENGL3501 History and Theory of Criticism: Plato to the Eighteenth Century (3)

ENGL2601 Oral Literature (3) **Course name updated to Folk Literature – Approved 2024.

ENGL2200 Non-dramatic Literature of the 16th Century (6)

ENGL2303 Romantic Poetry (3)ch

ENGL3503 History and Theory of Criticism: Wordsworth to the Twentieth Century (3)

ENGL2603 The Literature of Sport (3)

ENGL2240 Shakespeare (6)


ENGL-2241 Shakespeare (3 Credits)


ENGL2400 Modern Irish & British Poetry (6)

ENGL3504 Feminist Literary Criticism and Practice (3)

ENGL2604 Film Form and Style (3)

ENGL2300 Eighteenth Century English Literature (6)

ENGL2403 Literature & Globalization (3)

ENGL4501 Twentieth Century Criticism and Critical Theory to 1960 (3)

ENGL2605 Film Genre and Authorship (3)

ENGL2306 Dramatic Literature by Women I (3)

ENGL2404 Foundations of Postcolonial Literature (3)

ENGL4503 Twentieth Century Criticism and Critical Theory: 1960 to the Present (3)

ENGL2610 The British Literary Tradition (6)

ENGL3120 Middle English (6)

ENGL2420 Modern English Canadian Poetry (6)

ENGL4504 Postcolonial Theory (3)

ENGL2624 Playwriting I (3)

ENGL3122 Medieval Drama (6)

ENGL2441 American Literature to 1865 (3)

ENGL4522 Feminist Literary Theory (3)

ENGL2625 Playwriting II (3)

ENGL3200 Literature of the 17th Century (6)

ENGL2461 the Celtic Revival in Literature (3)



ENGL2640 Literature Written by Women: The British Tradition (6)

ENGL3241 Renaissance Drama I (3)

ENGL2463 Modern Celtic Literature (3)



ENGL2642: A Survey of the Drama (6)

ENGL3243 renaissance Drama II

ENGL2607 Dramatic Literature by Women II (3)


ENGL2684 Children’s Literature to 1860 (3)


ENGL2685 Children’s Literature in English 1860-1920 (3)


 ENGL3621 Intro to Creative Writing: Poetry (3)

ENGL3320 Restoration and Eighteenth Century Drama (6)

ENGL3303 Victorian Drama (3)



ENGL3623 Intro to Creative Writing: The Short Story (3)

ENGL4140 Introduction to Old English (6)

ENGL3361 Romantic Fiction (3)



ENGL3624 Eco Texts: Film and Literature (3)

ENGL4200 Milton (6)


ENGL3363 Victorian Fiction (3)



ENGL3625 Nature Writing (3)

ENGL4240 Studies in Shakespeare (6)

ENGL3400 The Novel from Twentieth Century Britain and Ireland (6)


ENGL3652 The Short Story (6)

ENGL4720 Special Topics in Renaissance Literature (6)

ENGL3401 Writing Modern America (3)


ENGL3681 Young Adult Fiction (3)

ENGL4721 Special Topics in Renaissance Literature (3)

ENGL3403 Writing Contemporary America (3)


ENGL3683 Literature and Film (3)


ENGL3404 Modern American Poetry (3)


ENGL3684 Introduction to Fantasy Literature (3)


ENGL3405 Contemporary American Poetry (3)


ENGL3685 Introduction to Science Fiction (3)


ENGL3406 Canadian Drama (3)



ENGL3686 Detective Fiction (3)


ENGL3407 Dramatizing Ireland: Plays from 1950-Present (3)


ENGL4630 World Literature (6)


ENGL3420 The Modern Canadian Novel (6)




ENGL3421 The Canadian Short Story to 1960 (3)




ENGL3423 The Canadian Short Story from 1960 to the Present (3)




ENGL3424 North American Aboriginal Literature (3)




ENGL3441 Modern American Drama (3)





ENGL4362 Literature of Transition: British Literature 1870-1920 (6)




ENGL4401 Contemporary Irish Literature (3)




ENGL4403 Classical Mythology to Modern Literature (3)




ENGL4711 Selected Topics in American Literature (3)






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