


The following procedures adopted by CBU are also consistent with the criteria established by the Accreditation Council of the Canadian Association for Cooperative Education.

Work term evaluation consists of two components:

  1. Performance as evaluated by the employer and by the appropriate advisor in the Student Service Centre. The evaluation is recorded on the student’s transcript as either successful or unsuccessful.
  1. A work report validated by the student’s employer and graded by an appropriate member of the CBU faculty. A letter grade is recorded and indicates relative merit as follows:
A 85-100% Excellent
B 70-84% Very Good
C 60-69% Good
D 50-59% Acceptable
F Less than 50% Failure

Degree Programs

Students are required to complete successfully both components of the work term. Students who fail the work term will be required to withdraw from the BA and BBA Co-operative Education Internship programs.

Students are not permitted to drop a work period without prior approval of the advisors. Students who drop a work period without permission, or who fail to honour such an agreement to work with an employer, or who conduct themselves in such a manner as to cause their discharge from the job, will usually be awarded a failing rating for the work period.

Students who fail the internship will not be eligible to re-apply for a period of one year. Students seeking re-admission after this period of time has elapsed will have their applications considered by the Selection Committee.


Diploma Programs

Successful completion of the three co-op work terms is normally a prerequisite for graduation with the Co-op diploma. However, if CBU is unable to provide three program-related work experiences, the diploma may be awarded if the student has successfully completed two terms. Furthermore, in those extenuating circumstances where CBU is unable to provide two work terms, the dean may recommend that the diploma be awarded without the “co-op” notation.


Students are required to complete successfully both components of the work term in order to receive credit for the work term. If a student is unsuccessful in the work term, she/he will be required to withdraw from the program of study and will not be eligible for re-admission until after the lapse of two terms (eight months). The student will also be required to complete successfully a further work term before being admitted to another academic term. Students with relevant employment experience prior to registration in a co-op program may apply for credit for Work Term 1.


Prior approval of the advisors is required before leaving a work placement. Permission to leave a work period does not constitute any reduction in the requirements for a co-op program of study. If a work period is left without prior permission, or if a student is unable to honour an agreement to work with an employer, or if a student’s conduct is such as to cause discharge from the job, the student will normally be awarded an unsuccessful grade for that work term.


If a student is unsuccessful in two work terms, she/he will be ineligible for re-admission to any co-op diploma program for a period of at least four academic terms. The student does have the right, however, to apply for non-co-op diploma programs.


Students can proceed to Work Term 1 with two course deficiencies in Academic Terms 1 and 2. Students are eligible to proceed to Work Term 2 or 3, if they have no more than one term course deficiency and the deficient course is not considered by the Evaluation Committee to be critical to the ensuing work term performance. Passing a supplementary exam will not qualify a student for the next work term.


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