Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BET) (Electronics & Controls)
Cape Breton University (CBU) has a well-earned reputation for excellence in the development and delivery of technological education. The culmination of our expertise in this area is reflected in the innovative Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BET) Degree.
The BET Degree program prepares students to successfully meet the challenges and opportunities facing today’s technical graduates. This degree program combines theoretical principles with hands-on experience and technical courses related to electronics, instrumentation and computer control industry. Aspects unique to electrical engineering, analog/digital design, industrial instrumentation/control, microelectronics and wireless systems are emphasized.
Program Options
The BET 90 Credit Electronics and Controls and 120 Credit Advanced Electrical programs are available through different pathways:
Direct entry
Advanced standing Post Diploma
Advanced standing Post Degree
Post Diploma and Post Degree admissions will require a minimum of 50% of their BET degrees to be completed at CBU. Therefore, a maximum of 45-credits (15, one term courses) may be transferred from an appropriate program at an approved post-secondary institution to the 90-credit BET (Electronics & Controls) and a maximum of 60-credits (20, one term courses) may be transferred from an appropriate program at an approved post-secondary institution to the 120-credit BET (Advanced Electrical).
The BET (Electronics & Controls) degree is normally a three-year (six academic term) program. Students wishing to start their careers early may choose to graduate with the Electrical Engineering Technology (Instrumentation and Controls) Diploma after successfully completing terms one to four.
Please see Program Details for more on the structure of this degree. Please see Admission Requirements for information on entry into the program.
Note: The Bachelor of Engineering Technology degrees do not lead directly to a Professional Engineering designation.
Admission Requirements – Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BET) (Electronics & Controls)
Admission Requirements
High School Graduates: Five Grade 12 advanced or academic courses including English and Mathematics, and two other sciences (Physics is recommended); with an overall average of at least 65%.
Diploma/Degree Graduates: Appropriately accredited community college diploma at the technologist level or university science degree in electrical/electronics and closely related programs only. CBU has agreements with many colleges which specifies the matching programs and, in some cases, matching courses that allow transfer credits.
Partially Completed Diploma/Degree: Admissions and course selection will be done on an individual basis in consultation with an academic advisor from the Engineering Department.
Program Requirements – Bachelor of Engineering Technology (BET) (Electronics & Controls)
This format will NOT earn students the Diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology (Instrumentation & Controls)
54 credits core
ELEC1161 Fundamentals of Electricity I 3 credits
ELEC1164 Fundamentals of Electricity II 3 credits
ELEC1165 Analog Electronics 3 credits
ELEC2163 Linear Integrated Circuits 3 credits
ELEC2165 Signals & Controls 3 credits
ELEC2166 Industrial Electronics Circuits 3 credits
ELEC2167 Machines and Controls 3 credits
ELEC2168 Programmable Logic Controllers 3 credits
ELEC2169 Technical Thesis 3 credits
ELEC2361 Process Measurements I 3 credits
ELEC2363 Process Measurements II 3 credits
ELEC2364 Process Controls I 3 credits
ELEC2365 Process Controls II 3 credits
ENGI1161 Shop Practice 3 credits
DRAF1165 or ENGI1165 Engineering Graphics 3 credits
ENGI1168 or ENGI2103 Fluid Mechanics or Engineering Economics 3 credits
ENGI2167 / ELEC2403 Engineering Digital Logic 3 credits
PHYS1101 or PHYS1104 Elements of Physics or General Physics 3 credits
18 credits chosen from the following
ELEC3161 Embedded Operating Systems 3 credits
ELEC3163 Digital Signal Processing 3 credits
ELEC3164 Microelectronics Design Tools 3 credits
ELEC3165 Applied Integrated Circuit Systems 3 credits
ELEC3166 Applied Wireless Systems 3 credits
ELEC3167 Medical Instrumentation 3 credits
ELEC3737 Selected Topics in Electronics 3 credits
12 credits of Mathematics
Choose either: MATH1107, MATH1208, MATH2104 and MATH2205 or MATH1105 and MATH1206.
If students choose MATH1105 and MATH1206, an additional 6credits of electives must be earned. 12 credits
6 credits of recommended electives
Students may select DRAF1163, any 3 credits from the approved BENG writing elective list, or any Electrical course at the 4000 level.
THREE -YEAR DEGREE (102 credits)
This degree format ALSO earns students the
Electrical Engineering Technology Diploma (Instrumentation & Controls)
Year One (Fall/Winter)
Writing elective Elective
COMP1163 Computer Applications
DRAF1163 Industrial Applications of Drafting
ELEC1161 Fundamentals of Electricity I
ELEC1164 Fundamentals of Electricity II
ELEC1165 Analog Electronics
ENGI1161 Industrial Safety and Applied Shop Practices
ENGI1165 Engineering Graphics
MATH1107 Math I
MATH1208 Math II
PHYS1101 Elements of Physics I
PHYS1201 Elements of Physics II
Year Two (Fall/Winter)
ENGI2167 / ELEC2403 Engineering Digital Logic
ELEC2163 Linear Integrated Circuits
ELEC2166 Industrial Electronic Circuits
ELEC2167 Machines and Controls
ELEC2168 Programmable logic Controllers
ELEC2169 Technological Thesis
ELEC2361 Process Measurements I
ELEC2363 Process Measurements II
ELEC2364 Process Controls I
ELEC2365 Process Controls II
MATH2104 Math III
MATH2205 Math IV
Students wishing to start their careers early may choose to graduate with a diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology (Instrumentation and Controls) after successfully completing all courses to this point.
Year Three (Fall/Winter)
ELEC2165 Signals & Controls
ELEC3161 Embedded Operating Systems
ELEC3163 Digital Signal Processing
ELEC3164 Microelectronic Design Tools
ELEC3165 Applied Integrated Circuit Systems
ELEC3166 Applied Wireless Systems or ELEC3167 (Medical Instrumentation)
ELEC3737 Selected Topics
ENGI2103 Technical Engineering Economics
ENGI1168 Fluid Mechanics
Electives 6 credits
Post Degree Option (42 credits)
To earn a Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Electronics & Controls) Post Degree, the following courses are required.
The following courses are mandatory
1.ELEC 2163 Linear Integrated Circuits
2. ELEC 2165 Signal Processing
3. ELEC 2168 PLC
4. ELEC 3161 Embedded Operating Systems
5. ELEC 3163 Digital Signal Processing
6. ELEC 3164 Micro Electronic Design Tools
7.ELEC 3165 Applied Integrated Circuit Systems
8. ELEC 3167 Medical Instrumentation
Any two of the following three (3)
1. ENGI 2103 Technical Engineering Economics
2. ELEC 2364 Control Systems 1
3. ELEC 3166 Applied Wireless Systems
Any two of the following six (6)
1.ELEC 2361 Process Measurement 1
2.ELEC 2403 Pulse and Digital
3. ELEC 3737 Selected Topics
4. ELEC 4103 Advanced PLC
5. ELEC 4104 Analytical Instrumentation
6. ELEC 4105 Electromechanical Devices
Any two of the following seven (7)
1. DRAF 1163 or DRAF 1165 Industrial Applications of Drafting or Engineering Graphics
2.ELEC 2167 Machines and Controls
3. ELEC 2166 Industrial Electronics
4.ELEC 2169 Technical Thesis
5.ELEC 4101 Control Systems 3
6. ELEC 4106 Electronic Control Systems
7. ELEC 4107 Power Systems
Transfer Credit:
CBU has an agreement with many colleges which results in transfer credit being given to specified Engineering Technology Diploma graduates, such that as few as 36 credits from CBU would be required to complete the BET Degree program. Prospective students are encouraged to contact their college for information on the agreement with CBU, or contact CBU directly. Where no agreement exists, individual consideration will be given to possible transfer credits. In any case, however, residency requirements must still be met.
CBU has an agreement with the NSCC that allows entry into year two of the Electrical Technology Diploma Program for graduates of related Technician programs. Prospective students are encouraged to contact their college for information on the agreement with CBU or to contact CBU directly.
Selection of all electives must be done through prior consultation with a faculty advisor from the program.
Graduation Requirement:
Residence Requirements: Graduation with the degree (or diploma) normally requires that the student take a minimum of 50% of the program’s required courses from CBU. CBU distance courses can be included to meet the residency requirements. Some joint programs, such as the articulation agreements previously noted in the Transfer Credit section, may allow special circumstances which differ from this minimum.
In the three year degree or two year diploma formats, a minimum of all courses in the program (or approved equivalent) must be completed to be eligible for graduation. Graduation with a co-op designation requires successful completion of a minimum of two co-op work terms.
Note: Sequencing of some courses may vary from the format shown above. Students should consult current timetables for scheduling details