
General Admissions Procedures

Application for admission to Cape Breton University may be made online at www.cbu.ca/apply. Forms can be downloaded by visiting www.cbu.ca/apply/applications. Applications may also be made through the Office of the Registrar and Admissions on the designated application forms.


Documents submitted in support of an application for admission cannot be returned. Neither the documents nor copies of the documents will be returned to the applicant.  These documents become the property of the institution. All submitted documents are recorded and shredded to protect privacy and will not be returned under any circumstances. Further, neither the documents nor copies of the documents will be issued third parties. Cape Breton University reserves the right to request an original document from the issuing institution for any documents related to admission this request can be made at anytime during the student progression in their academic program.

In addition, if it is discovered that a student, who is enrolled at Cape Breton University, has gained admission to the University using false, misrepresentative, and/or incomplete information, the University reserves the right to suspend the student or take other measure(s) deemed appropriate. If it is discovered that a student has submitted falsified, misrepresentative, or altered University documents to an external body, the University reserves the right to suspend the student or take other measure(s) deemed appropriate.


If evidence of misrepresentation or fraudulent or falsified documentation is found, the penalty is severe. Cape Breton University reserves the right to revoke any offer of admission and/or financial support. Cape Breton University may also disclose evidence of any misrepresentation or fraudulent or falsified documentation to all Canadian universities, to Citizenship and Immigration Canada and to law enforcement personnel where appropriate.


Failure to list and provide previous, in-progress or completed transcripts from all institutions a student attended on the application may be considered an intentional omission and can lead to the cancellation of a student’s application for admission or withdrawal of their offer of admission.


Note: Except in special circumstances, no student under the age of 16 is admitted.


Correspondence regarding admission should be addressed to:

Office of the Registrar and Admissions

Cape Breton University

1250 Grand Lake Road

Sydney, Nova Scotia

B1M 1A2

Phone: (902) 563-1330

Steps to Full-Time Admission for Canadian High School Students    

The following steps need to be completed in order to be considered for full-time admission: Students may apply online at www.cbu.ca/apply. Otherwise, students should send the completed application form (available from the Office of the Registrar and Admissions or online at www.cbu.ca/apply/applications) as early in the year as possible, since applications received after August 1, cannot be guaranteed processing for September registration. The application for admission serves as the application for scholarships.


Students applying from high school should ask their schools to send their Grade 11 final grades and their Grade 12 first semester grades, or if a non-semestered school, mid-term grades. Grade 12 final evaluations should be submitted as soon as they are issued to the student. Grade 11 final grades will be considered as supporting documentation in the application.


Students who may meet the requirements for early admission may review our policy here. Applications will be considered as soon as they are received, and preliminary admission will be granted on the basis of the information provided if there is capacity in the program sought and if the information to date is complete. Final admission decisions will be made when all relevant information is submitted. No application will be delayed or denied if all of the substantial information is supplied, if the requirements are met and if there is capacity in the program sought.


The non-refundable application fee (cheque, money order, Visa or MasterCard) should be attached to the application.

Steps to Full-Time Admission for Students Transferring from Other Universities and Colleges

The same steps for full-time admission for high school students above should be followed, with this difference: the student’s high school should send the final grade 11 and 12 results and the university or college should send an official transcript.


Students seeking credit from previous post-secondary studies must apply for a Transfer Credit Assessment by submitting a Transfer Credit Assessment application (available at the Office of the Registrar and Admissions or online at www.cbu.ca/student-services/forms), along with the assessment fee and official transcripts from institutions from which they are seeking transfer credit.


Transfer Credit Applications received after August 1, cannot be guaranteed processing for September registration.

Steps to Part-Time Admission

As indicated elsewhere in these guidelines, CBU makes no fundamental distinction between full-time and part-time students. Technically, students are considered part-time if they are enrolled in fewer than three full-time course equivalents during the fall-winter session. As well, admission requirements for part-time students are no different from the admission requirements for any other students.


For information on application to residence, visit www.cbu.ca/housing-dining.



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