
Determination and Categories of Academic Performance 01/03/25

Office of the Registrar: Updated: January 3, 2025

Policy Name

Determination of Categories: Academic Performance Policy

Policy Number



Academic Committee of Senate



Date of Original Approval



Academic Performance Review Policy

Senate Approval Dates



Effective from



Review/Retirement Date


Responsibility for Review

Chair of Academic Committee of Senate

Responsibility for Implementation

Academic Committee of Senate, Registrar


All Cape Breton University students are expected to maintain acceptable standards of academic performance. While most programs are subject to general academic regulations, certain professional programs are governed by their own Academic Standing and Progression policies. These program-specific policies are outlined in the Cape Breton University Academic Calendar.

1. Purpose and Scope

1.1. This objective of this policy is to support students who may be at risk of not achieving their academic goals by evaluating their academic progress at the end of each semester and identifying appropriate supports, services, or restrictions if required.

1.2. This policy establishes a process for the evaluation of student progress at the end of each semester and the specific criteria upon which appropriate supports, services, or restrictions may be recommended or imposed.

1.3. The Registrar’s Office will evaluate the cumulative semester average of every student enrolled in any formal program at Cape Breton University.

1.4. This review will take place at the end of every semester, including fall, winter, and spring-summer.

1.5. The cumulative semester average will be expressed as a percentage and will be used to determine the academic performance category that applies to each student. The academic performance categories are explained below.

1.6. Incomplete grades: students whose cumulative semester average cannot be evaluated due to receiving incomplete grades, will be restricted from making changes to their registration until updated grades are submitted and standing can be determined.

2. Overview of the Process

*Infographic will be available soon.

3. Jurisdiction

3.1. Office of the Registrar, Academic Schools and Students

4. Definitions

4.1. Good Standing: Students are admitted to Cape Breton University to their program of study in good academic standing. Students in good academic standing have met the minimum academic standard that is required for continued and unrestricted study at the university.

4.2. Academic Consultation: A student who does not meet the standards for good academic standing is approved to continue their studies with required academic advising and support to improve performance.

4.3. Restricted Enrolment: Limits a student’s course registration and requires academic advising and compliance with conditions set by an academic committee and Registrar’s Office to support their success.

4.4. Academic Suspension: A student on Restricted Enrolment with a failing cumulative semester average, or more than one failing grade, at the end of the semester on restricted enrolment will be placed on Academic Suspension from Cape Breton University for a minimum of two terms. An academic comment will be placed on the student’s transcript noting the suspension.

5. Good Academic Standing

5.1. CBU students are admitted to their program of study in good academic standing. Students in good academic standing have met the minimum academic standard that is required for continued and unrestricted study at the university. For greater clarity, students are advised that meeting this minimum academic standard to continue as a student at CBU may not be sufficient to satisfy the progression or graduation requirements of their specific program of study.

5.2. To remain in good academic standing, a student must obtain a cumulative semester average that is 5 numerical grade points over the passing grade in their program and/or have no more than one failing grade in the semester.

5.3. Students who do not achieve a cumulative semester average that is 5 numerical grade points over the passing average in their program of study and/or fail more than one course in a semester, are no longer in good academic standing. A student who is no longer in good academic standing will be notified by the Registrar’s Office and appropriate supports, services, or restrictions may be recommended or imposed., There are three stages to this notification and support process.

5.4. Students previously in good academic standing who fail all registered courses in a single academic semester will be moved to Restricted Enrolment without first being placed on Academic Consultation by the Registrar’s Office.

6. Academic Consultation

6.1. A student who does not meet the standards for good academic standing, as outlined in section 2.2, may continue to enrol as a full-time student under Academic Consultation. Students on Academic Consultation will be strongly encouraged to connect to supports and services to support their academic progress. The Registrar’s Office will send each student a notification outlining their Academic Consultation status and connect students to supports and services.

6.2. A student who is on Academic Consultation will return to good academic standing if, at the end of the semester, they earn a cumulative semester average of 5 numerical grade points or more above the passing average for their program of study and do not have more than one failing grade.

6.3. A student who is on Academic Consultation and does not meet the requirements for good academic standing, as outlined above in section 5.2, at the end of their next semester of study will be placed on Restricted Enrolment.

6.4. A student cannot appeal an Academic Consultation decision and there is no notation or restriction placed on the student transcript.

7. Restricted Enrolment

7.1. Working with the Office of the Registrar, the academic committee of the academic school will assess the student’s academic record and determine the level of allowable enrolment for the student who is on Restricted Enrolment. An academic committee is based in each academic school and is chaired by an associate dean or dean’s delegate. Once placed on restricted enrolment, students are required to meet with an academic advisor before they can make any future changes to their registration. The Registrar’s Office will send each student a notification outlining their Restricted Enrolment status and connecting them to available supports and services.

7.2. The academic school committee will strive to view the student’s record as a whole and may impose or recommend other conditions for the student, as appropriate, and in the spirit of academic support and success. In some circumstance, a student may be required to participate in compulsory academic success coaching, adjust future enrolment by adding or dropping a course or changing programs to comply with the academic committee’s decisions.

7.3. A student on Restricted Enrolment, who at the end of the semester, has a failing cumulative semester average or more than one failing grade, but whose overall average remans at least 5 numerical grade points above the passing threshold, may be approved by the academic school committee in consultation with the Registrar to continue under Restricted Enrolment for additional consecutive semester. Should a student on Restricted Enrolment fail no more than one course in a semester, they may also remain on Restricted Enrolment for a consecutive semester if approved by academic school committee in consultation with the Registrar. In both cases, students place on Restricted Enrolment for a second consecutive semester are required to complete academic advising before marking any future changes to their registration.

7.4. Students are entitled to appeal the Academic Standing Decision of “Restricted Enrolment” Information on Appealing an Academic Decision can be found here: Cape Breton University Academic Calendar, Appeal Information


Note: Additionally, the student must complete the “Notice of Appeal” form through the student must fill out the CBU Service Form, Appeal Application, Option 12 if they wish to proceed with further review.

8. Academic Suspension

8.1. A student on Restricted Enrolment with a failing cumulative semester average, or more than one failing grade, at the end of the semester on restricted enrolment will be placed on Academic Suspension from Cape Breton University for a minimum of two terms. When reviewing students’ academic performance at this stage, the students’ cumulative average across all semesters should be taken into consideration. Students with a cumulative average of 5 points above their program’s passing average, may remain on restricted enrolment for a second semester rather than moving to suspension.

8.2. A student on Academic Suspension may not enrol in any courses at CBU during the terms of Academic Suspension. A notation of Academic Suspension with the year will be added to the student’s official transcript. This will remain on the student record. Cape Breton University will not accept transfer credit for courses taken while on Academic Suspension. The Deans Office will send each student a notification outlining their Academic Suspension with the details outlining the conditions of the suspension.

8.3. In egregious circumstances, the Dean, in consultation with the Registrar, may choose to skip the Academic Consultation stage and move directly to Restricted Enrolment or Academic Suspension.

8.4. Students are entitled to appeal the Academic Standing Decision of “Academic Suspension” Information on Appealing an Academic Decision can be found here: Cape Breton University Academic Calendar, Appeal Information


Note: Additionally, the student must complete the “Notice of Appeal” form through the student must fill out the CBU Service Form, Appeal Application, Option 12 if they wish to proceed with further review.


8.5. Students with the status of Academic Suspension due to academic performance are not eligible to continue in their studies in different program at Cape Breton University until the terms of their suspension have been met.

9. Re-Admission to Cape Breton University after an Academic Suspension

9.1. Students who are approved by the Registrar and Dean for re-admission to Cape Breton University following an academic suspension must meet with an academic advisor, or a designated academic resource, prior to registering for courses. Upon re-admission, students will be placed on Restricted Enrolment for one academic semester.

9.2. If the student achieves a cumulative semester average of at least 5 numerical grade points above the required program average, with no failing grades, they will return to good academic standing and be permitted to enrol without restrictions.

9.3. Students placed on Academic Suspension for a second time, will not be eligible to apply for re-admission for a minimum of six consecutive academic semesters. A third academic suspension will result in indefinite suspension or expulsion from the University.

9.4. Special Circumstances: If a student demonstrates academic difficulties in a program in specific course or subject area, the Dean and Registrar may review their performance to determine whether dismissal from the program is warranted. In such cases, the student will be dismissed from the program but not from Cape Breton University. The student may be offered the opportunity to enrol in a new program under restricted enrolment standing. A notation regarding the program dismissal will be included on the student’s official transcript. This approach allows the student to continue their academic journey in a different field while acknowledging the academic challenges encountered in their previous program. This consideration must take place prior to a student being placed on suspension and should be discussed during academic advising.

10. Appeals: Academic Decisions

10.1. Students have the right to appeal an academic decision under this policy as outlined in the Cape Breton University Academic Calendar, Appeal Information.

11. Student Record

11.1. At all times, the Office of the Registrar, is responsible for ensuring the accuracy, integrity, and privacy of a student’s academic record.  To ensure the consistent application of the academic performance policy, the Registrar’s Office will also provide administrative support to deans and academic committees of the schools and collegial review of decisions that restrict student enrolment, or progression.

12. Professional Programs

12.1. Certain professional programs are excluded from the Determination of Categories of Academic Performance Policy because they either adhere to their own distinct policies and/or are governed by accreditation standards that may supersede institutional regulations. These programs, include the Bachelor of Education, Bachelor of Social work, Bachelor of Science Nursing, Education Diploma programs, and Master’s level programs, operate under specific frameworks that align with the professional regulatory requirements of their respective fields. Their unique progression structures ensure compliance with accreditation standards, uphold professional standards, and maintain program specific integrity, which many not fully align with the broader institutional academic performance policy. To ensure consistency and fairness in decision making, the Dean, Academic School Committee (or designate) in collaboration with the Registrar, may use the institutional policy in combination with the program specific progression framework. This approach supports for informed decisions that appropriately address student progression while respecting both the institutional and program specific standards.

These programs include:


In summary, the Determination of Categories of the Academic Performance Policy provides a clear, inclusive and consistent framework for assessing and categorizing student academic performance across programs. It ensures transparency, fairness, and alignment with institutional standards while allowing for program specific considerations where necessary. By balancing institutional policies with accreditation and professional requirements, the policy supports student success and maintains academic integrity of the institution.



Determination and Categories of Academic Performance 09/07/22

Office of the Registrar, Updated: September 7, 2022

Effective Academic Year: 2022-2023

Purpose and Scope

At CBU it is part of our responsibility to support student success with their educational goals, we have in place both an informal, and formal system to help students navigate their academic standing.


All students entering CBU are admitted in good academic standing. Students in good academic standing have met the minimum standard required for continued, unrestricted study at CBU. Students are advised that meeting this minimum standard may NOT be sufficient to satisfy the graduation requirements of their program of study. Graduation requirements vary by program. Please refer to the relevant description in the academic calendar to determine the graduation requirements that apply to your program of study.



CBU evaluates Fall, Winter and Spring/Summer averages. Various academic programs have their own standards students must maintain to continue in the program; however, basic minimums must be met in order to avoid Not in Good Standing.  All students who are registered in a minimum of three courses will be reviewed with respect to academic performance at the end of each term (Fall, Winter and Summer).

Good Academic Standing

All students are admitted in Good Academic Standing. Staying on Good Academic Standing requires obtaining a cumulative term average 5 points higher than the passing grade of their program and/ or have no more than one failing grade a term.  Not in Good Academic Standing


Those not achieving a cumulative term average 5 points over passing grade and/ or more than one failing grade in a term are no longer in Good Standing. There are three stages to this process, over three terms.

Academic Consultation

The term following a student not earning 5 points over passing for their program and/or receiving more than one failing grade, students are eligible to register for a full course load but will receive communication that they are required to participate in academic success programming; this will be a self-assessment which will outline various support options based on the student’s reflection on their experience and needs. Students should take this opportunity to make use of the supports offered in order to return to Good Standing. If the student earns a cumulative average of 5 points or more above the passing grade for their program in this first term of being not in Good Standing, they will revert back to Good Standing.

Restricted Enrollment

Any student who was on Academic Consultation the previous term and continues to fail to meet the requirements for good standing will be placed on Restricted Enrollment. Students will be required to meet with a faculty advisor before being permitted to enroll for the following term. The academic committee, chaired by dean’s designate of the school will assess the level of enrollment allowable for the student. A notation will be added to the student’s transcript. If students feel that their circumstances were not taken into account, they may appeal this decision to the dean(s) in consultation with the registrar.


Note: The Registrar’s Office is responsible for updating the Student Record to reflect Restricted Enrolment related to registration.

Academic Suspension

If a student has a failing average at the end of their term on restricted enrollment, they will be placed on Academic Suspension for one year from the time of academic suspension.   If a student has a passing average during their term on restricted enrollment, they will remain on restricted enrollment and not be suspended. If they do not meet the degree minimum average requirement, this may lead to dismissal from their programs.   The Academic Committee of the School, chaired by the Dean’s designate will assess if the student meets the criteria for suspension. A student on Academic Suspension may not register for any courses over the next two terms.


This suspension is different than academic dismissal for breaches of Academic Integrity or breaches of Student Conduct.  A notation will be added to the student’s transcript.


Note: In egregious circumstances, the Dean, in consultation with the Registrar, may choose to skip the Academic Consultation stage and move directly to Restricted Enrolment or Academic Suspension.


In addition: Students have the right to appeal their Academic Suspension to the Dean of their program of studies. Following the first term back to CBU, students will return to Restricted Enrolment, if successful (More than 55 points over average in their program in that term) students will return to Good Academic Standing.


If a student is on Restricted Enrolment but has a 50-55 average (passing) they will remain on Restricted Enrolment and not be suspended. This may lead to dismissal from certain programs.


Students seeking re-admission at the end of their Academic Suspension must meet with an Academic Advisor before re-admission. During the first term back to CBU, students will be on Restricted Enrollment, if successful (over 5 points over required program average in in that term and no failures) students will return to Good Standing.


Students who have been Academically Suspended for the second time will be suspended indeterminately, and readmission will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the dean and the registrar. Further, if upon consultation with the dean, another program may be deemed more appropriate, a student could move programs as an alternative to being academically suspended again.



 Students may appeal the decision to place them on Academic Suspension by following the  Appeals of Academic Decisions policy.


Additional Regulation Information

When a student is placed on Academic Discontinuance, this notation will appear on the student’s transcript and remain for the period of the discontinuance. Once the period of discontinuance is over, the notation will be removed from the student’s transcript but will remain on the student’s internal academic record.


A Performance Review Committee will be established for each school under the authority of the school Dean. The committee shall consist of the Dean or Associate Dean (Chair), along with no fewer than three and no more than six members of the school. When reviewing a student, the Chair will ensure that at least one member of the committee is from the program in which the student is enrolled. Any student required to appear before the committee is permitted to bring a representative of the Cape Breton University Students’ Union to the proceedings. The referral process is to be determined by each school.


Through the school Dean, the Review Committee has the authority to:

  • restrict course load
  • specify courses including non-credit, skills-related courses
  • recommend program transfer

No appeal of the Review Committee’s decision regarding the student’s program of study will be permitted. Compliance with the committee’s decision is to be regarded as a condition for the student registering at CBU.


Students who seek re-admission at the end of their suspension period must meet with an Academic Advisor prior to re-admission. During the first term back to CBU, students will be on Restricted Enrolment. If successful (more than five points over required program average in that term and no failures) students will return to Good Academic Standing.


Students who have been Academically Suspended for the second time will not be permitted to apply for re-admission for at least two academic years and must meet with an Academic Advisor prior to re-admission.


Further,  students who return after the suspension period and remain on At Risk Standing for two terms in a row will be moved to permanent dismissal from CBU. If, upon consultation with the Dean, another program may be more appropriate, a student could change programs as an alternative to permanent suspension.



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CBU Academic Calendar 2024-2025 Copyright © 2024 by Cape Breton University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.