
Appeal Information

Policy Name

Appeals of Academic Decisions

Policy Number

AC-01 September 2022


Academic Committee



Date of Original Approval



 Appeals policy

Senate Approval Dates


Effective from


Review Date


Responsibility for Review

Academic Committee

Responsibility for Implementation

Registrar, Faculty, Chairs, and Deans


1.                   Policy purpose

The objective of this policy is to outline the process that students may use to appeal academic decisions at Cape Breton University. This policy identifies the roles and responsibilities of students, staff, faculty, and administration as part of the appeal process.  Furthermore, the policy explains the different types of academic appeals and identifies the steps required to make an appeal so that the process is completed in a timely, equitable, and well-documented manner.


2.                   Policy scope

This policy outlines a process for students to appeal the following types of academic decisions: reassessment of a final grade in a course; breaches of the university’s academic integrity policy; and assessment of academic standing, including discontinuation from studies. For additional clarity, please note that grades for individual class assignments, such as labs, tests, or exams, cannot be formally appealed, with the exception of breaches of academic integrity.


Note: The review process may take several weeks to complete. Please keep in mind that an appeal must be based on solid evidence and not merely on dissatisfaction with an academic decision. The appeal process requires a focus on presenting factual, well-supported information that demonstrates the basis for disagreement with the decision.

Students may appeal three types of academic decisions:

  1. A final grade in a course; (only applies to end of term final grades)
  2. A breach of the university’s academic integrity policy;
  3. and an assessment of academic standing, including suspension or dismissal from studies.
Please note that each type of appeal will require students to meet different criteria for eligibility and may in involve different decision-making bodies within the university to ensure a fair and impartial process.  Students may retain a support person internal to the university for assistance. Applications for reassessment must be received within 14 days of the academic decision (**14 Business Days for December Term Grades Only) of the end of the term in which the disputed mark was assigned. Upon receipt of a completed form, the Registrar’s Office will notify the relevant department chair and dean and the appeal process will begin. Applications will only move forward to the next level if sufficient information has been provide to support the grounds for an appeal. 


Steps to Initiate the Appeals Process

  1. Student must consult with faculty/Chair and/or Associate Dean regarding the academic decision.
  2. Student must provide “Reason for Appeal” on the form must contain specifics as to when the instructor and Associate Dean were consulted, together with any other information the student consider relevant.
  3. Student must provide reasons/explanation for the Appeal and supporting documents.
  4. Student must provide thorough and complete details as it is the students’ responsibility to demonstrate why there is a disagreement with an academic decision.
  5. All appeal requests must be made within 14 days (**14 Business Days for December Academic Decisions) of the academic decision.
Note: Grade Appeals: Students can only appeal an official final grade and after the appeal is launched, the final grade may be raised, lowered or remain unchanged.

Related policies and procedures



3.1               Privacy of Student Records

All student information that is collected, assessed, shared, and/or reported as part of Cape Breton University’s appeals of academic decisions policy is subject to the requirements of its “Confidentiality and Privacy of Student Records” policy.

 .                Responsibilities


4.1               Registrar

The Registrar is responsible for:

  • promoting academic integrity as a foundational value through policy, administration, and resources;
  • supporting faculty, staff, and students in the appeals process by ensuring that relevant policy documents are communicated clearly and are easily accessible;  maintaining the impartiality, consistency, timeliness, and confidentiality of the appeals process;
  • protecting the privacy of the student record.


4.2               Students

Students are responsible for:

  • reading, understanding, and acting in accordance with the academic policies;
  • reviewing course materials and seeking direction from appropriate faculty and staff to ensure an understanding of the expectations for academic integrity, performance and/or evaluation;
  • retaining, as far as possible, all assignments and relevant materials pertaining to each course;
  • familiarizing themselves with the “Appeals of Academic Decisions” policy and operating according to its timeline and expectations of fairness, timeliness, and impartiality.


4.3               Faculty members

Faculty members are responsible for:

  • educating themselves on the Academic Policies and “Appeals of Academic Decisions” policy and following the policies consistently and equitably;
  • participating fully in the appeals process consistent with this policy and the collegial expectations of the university community;
  • considering the rationale for a student’s appeal of an academic decision in good faith while maintaining a commitment to the policies that uphold academic integrity, performance and evaluation;
  • protecting the privacy of the student record.


4.4               Department Chairs, Associate Deans, and Deans

Department Chairs, Associate Deans, and Deans are responsible for:

  • educating themselves on the Academic policy and “Appeals of Academic Decisions” policy and following the policies consistently and equitably;
  • participating fully in the appeals process consistent with their specific roles, as prescribed in this policy, and the collegial expectations of the university community;
  • advising faculty, staff, and students as they proceed through the appeals process, when appropriate;
  • considering the rationale for a student’s appeal of an academic decision in good faith while maintaining a commitment to the policies that uphold academic, performance and evaluation; protecting the privacy of the student record.


5.                   Appeals of academic decisions

Students may appeal three types of academic decisions: a final grade in a course; a breach of the university’s academic integrity policy; and an assessment of academic standing, including suspension or dismissal from studies.  Each type of appeal is defined and explained below.

Please note that each type of appeal will require students to meet different criteria for eligibility and may in involve different decision-making bodies within the university to ensure a fair and impartial process.  Students may retain a support person internal to the university for assistance.

To begin an appeal of academic decisions, a student must complete a “Notice of Appeal” form available from the Registrar’s Office or click below:


Note: This form must be completed within 14 Days (**14 Business Days for December Grades) from when final grades are posted, an academic breach is issued or when a suspension or dismissal from studies is determined as identified in the academic calendar.  Upon receipt of a completed form, the Registrar’s Office will notify the relevant department chair and dean and the appeal process will begin. Contact (registrar@cbu.ca) for questions related to an appeal application.


 5.1               Appeal of a Final Grade

A student may appeal a final grade in a course if they believe that the grading criteria have been inconsistently applied to them because of error, carelessness, discrimination, or breach of another university academic policy. For additional clarity, dissatisfaction with a final grade is not a basis for an appeal.  Grades may be raised or lowered through the reassessment process, which is outlined below.


5.1.1 To begin an appeal, a student must complete an application to Appeal form as described above.  The notice must identify the specific assignments, including essays, quizzes, tests, and/or exams, that the student believes were evaluated unfairly.  If the specific assignments, or similar documents, were returned to the student, they must be included with the notice requesting reassessment.

Note: A detailed letter indicating the grounds for the appeal must be uploaded in the appeal application outlining the grounds for the appeal.

5.1.3 Upon receipt of the “Notice of Appeal” from the Registrar’s Office,

Department chair will first request the instructor who issued the final mark to review the materials submitted. If the result of this preliminary review does not resolve the student’s request, the student may request a panel assessment. If the grade being reassessed is that of the chair, then the department vice-chair preferably, or similar officer of the department executive, shall carry out the duties as specified in this section.

Note: The Department Chair will notify the student and Registrar (registrar@cbu.ca) the outcome of this decision regarding the review of the materials by the instructor.

5.1.4 Upon receiving a request from the student for a panel assessment, the chair will empanel two full-time faculty members, one selected by the instructor and the other by the student requesting the reassessment; normally both members of the panel shall have sufficient expertise in the discipline of the assignments being reassessed so that the appeal is addressed fairly. The panel will review the evaluation criteria as described in the course syllabus and the student’s work; the panel will endeavor to utilize the same criteria originally used to grade the other students in the class, to the extent that it is possible to do so. If the two members of the panel cannot agree on a mark, the average of the two re-assessments will be assigned. The department chair will submit the decision of the panel to the Registrar via the decision via email (registrar@bu.ca) to record the revised grade (if applicable). The registrar will advise the student, the faculty member, and the relevant Dean(s) of the outcome of the panel decision.

5.1.5 The panel’s decision may be appealed by the student to the Senate Appeals Committee.


5.2                Appeal of an Academic Integrity Violation

A student may appeal the results of an academic integrity assessment if they believe that the academic integrity policy was applied unfairly due to error, carelessness, discrimination, or breach of another university academic policy.  Students may appeal the decision that a breach of academic integrity has taken place and/or the level of seriousness of the breach and/or the assessed penalty.  Disappointment with learning that a breach of the academic integrity policy has taken place is not grounds for an appeal. The level of the academic integrity breach and/or the assessed penalty may be raised or lowered through the reassessment process, which is outlined below.

5.2.1 To begin an appeal, a student must complete a “Notice of Appeal” form as described above.  The notice must identify the specific assignment, quiz, test, and/or exam that the student believes was identified unfairly as in breach of the academic integrity policy. If the specific assignment was returned to the student, it must be included with the notice requesting reassessment of the academic integrity breach.

5.2.3 Upon receipt of the student’s “Notice of Appeal,” the department chair will first request the instructor who identified the academic integrity breach to review the materials submitted. If the academic integrity breach being reassessed was identified by the department chair in their capacity as an instructor or if the chair was significantly involved in the assessment of the academic integrity breach in the first instance, then the department vice-chair preferably, or similar officer of the department executive, shall carry out the duties as specified in this section.

5.2.4 If the result of this preliminary review does not resolve the student’s request, the student may request an appeal through the relevant Dean.

  1. To initiate an appeal at this level, the student must write a letter to the Dean.  The letter must identify the specific assignment, quiz, test, and/or exam that the student believes was identified unfairly as in breach of the academic integrity policy.  If the specific document was returned to the student, it must be included with the letter requesting reassessment of the academic integrity breach.  Finally, the letter must indicate the grounds for appeal.

If the relevant Dean was substantially involved in the determination of the original academic integrity breach, the Dean, in the interest of fairness, will refer the appeal to the Associate Dean or Dean’s designate. Please note that, unlike the reassessment of final grades, there is no panel assessment at the level of the department for academic integrity breaches.

5.2.5 Consistent with section 8 of the “Academic Integrity Policy,” the Dean will review all submitted materials, including the original finding of an academic integrity breach. The Dean will report the results of their review to the Department Chair, Registrar, faculty, and student.

5.2.6 The Dean’s decision may be appealed by the student to the Senate Appeals Committee.


5.3                Academic Standing/Performance

A student may appeal the decisions of the Academic Performance Policy restricted enrollment and suspension, if they believe that the policy was applied unfairly due to error, carelessness, discrimination, or breach of another university academic policy. To initiate all appeals  a student must fill out the Notice of Appeal Form CBU Service Form, Appeal Application, Option 12

  • To appeal a decision of Restricted Enrolment the student must go through the relevant dean as outlined in the Academic Performance Policy.
  • To appeal a decision of Academic Suspension, the student must fill out a “Notice of Appeal” form CBU Service Form, Appeal Application, Option 12; outlining the grounds for appeal, including any extenuating circumstances. These appeals go directly to the Senate Appeals Committee.
6.0                Senate Appeals Committee

Note: A Senate Appeal can only be initiated once the results are provided to a student from the initial Appeal Process.

The Senate Appeals Committee is made up of one student, two faculty members, and one school dean.  It is the final recourse for students who feel they have been treated unfairly in an academic matter, as outlined in this policy. Any student who has exhausted all other avenues as outlined in this document and who still feels that they have grounds for a reversal of a decision, may serve notice of appeal to this committee for a final determination.

Steps to follow:   

**All Senate Appeals must be launched using the: CBU Service Form, Appeal Application, Option 12

6.1 To begin an appeal of an academic decision to the Senate Appeals Committee, a student must submit a letter to the chair of the Senate Appeals Committee (this must be uploaded in the CBU Service Form – Using Option 12). The Office of the Registrar will review the submitted information and formally forward it to the Chair of the Senate Committee for further consideration. All applications must be complete before the Office of the Registrar can formally forward them to the Chair of the Senate Committee. A complete application must include:

1. explaining in detail the nature of the appeal,

2. providing all appropriate documentation and

3. indicating clearly the relief sought.

Chair of Senate Appeals Committee: Dr. Kimberley Lamarche

6.2.  Upon receipt of this letter (information), the committee may take any of the following steps: (a) indicate to the student that all avenues have not been exhausted and request that the matter be resolved before it reaches this final stage; (b) request further information from the student and/or others involved in the matter; and (c) grant a hearing, at which time the student and others involved may be asked to appear before the committee. Students can also request a meeting.  If a meeting is requested, a student can bring a support person from within CBU. The support person is meant to be a support, not an advocate who speaks on behalf of the student, however, may assist if there are language barriers.

6.3. The decision of the committee and reasons supporting it are communicated to the parties of the appeal. Decisions will go to the Registrar, who will communicate the result with the student and the Dean.  The decision of the Appeals Committee is final. Questions, contact registrar@cbu.ca. 







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