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23 results
OER Toolkit book cover

OER Toolkit

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  1 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Jason Loxton, Kim Mears, Victoria Volkanova, Amanda Tiller-Hackett

Last updated: 27/09/2023

Business Computer Applications book cover

Business Computer Applications

CC BY (Attribution)  6 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Amy Savoury, Abigail Rusu, Joy Perrin

Editor(s): Jessica Parsons, Aleta Butler, Andrea Long, Heather Maye, Jennifer Evans, Amy Ledgerwood, Aynslie Croney

Subject(s): Word processing software, Office and workplace, Business applications, Spreadsheet software, Presentation graphics software

Institution(s): New Brunswick Community College

Publisher: NBCC

Last updated: 25/09/2023

This book introduces students to Microsoft Windows, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The text covers basic concepts of creating word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation materials for the workplace.

Business Information Skills Certificate (BISC): Research Guide book cover

Business Information Skills Certificate (BISC): Research Guide

CC BY (Attribution)  42 H5P Activities    English (Canada)

Author(s): Leanne Wells, Sally Armstrong, Jeannie Bail

Editor(s): Jeannie Bail, Sally Armstrong

Subject(s): Research and information: general, Business and Management, Reference, Information and Interdisciplinary subjects, Research methods: general, Library and information services

Institution(s): University of New Brunswick

Last updated: 25/09/2023

The Business Information Skills Certificate (BISC) Research Guide is designed to:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of the unique nature of business information
  • Improve awareness and use of library-subscribed business databases
  • Introduce more effective ways to locate company and industry information using library databases
  • Increase understanding of thinking critically about business information and its sources
  • Encourage the effective and ethical use of business information
  • Save time in locating quality business information
Accessible Teaching and Learning book cover

Accessible Teaching and Learning

CC BY (Attribution)   English (Canada)

Author(s): Nova Scotia Post-Secondary Accessibility Working Group

Subject(s): Education

Last updated: 24/07/2023

Academic Integrity Handbook book cover

Academic Integrity Handbook

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  53 H5P Activities    English (Canada)

Author(s): Donnie Calabrese, Emma Russell, Jasmine Hoover, Tammy Byrne

Subject(s): Writing and editing guides

Publisher: Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Adapted version Cape Breton University

Last updated: 13/06/2023

Original version attribution to: Ulrike Kestler. Revised version by: Donnie Calabrese, Emma Russell, Jasmine Hoover and Tammy Byrne.
Foundations of Public Relations: Canadian Edition book cover

Foundations of Public Relations: Canadian Edition

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  17 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): Department of Communication Studies

Subject(s): Public relations

Last updated: 17/10/2022

Thinking Critically About Classrooms and Income Inequality book cover

Thinking Critically About Classrooms and Income Inequality

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (Canada)

Author(s): Valda Leighteizer, Sonya Singer

Subject(s): Education

Institution(s): Mount Saint Vincent University

Publisher: Mount Saint Vincent University Library

Last updated: 28/09/2022

Income disparity within and among school districts in Canada makes it difficult to fulfill public education’s promise of equitable schooling experiences for all students.  As educators, we must examine, carefully and critically, the impacts of socioeconomic status and social class on and for parents and children in the day-to-day processes and expectations of schooling.

Students and teachers bring to the classroom experience various cultures, races, identities, orientations, genders, socio-economic classes, religious or spiritual affiliations, abilities, language backgrounds, etc., and it is our job as teachers to teach all of our students to the best of our ability, not just the kids who look like us, talk like us, pray like us, or come from the same communities that we do.

This book discusses the ways that some students may experience school, with a focus on how some schooling practices rest on assumptions being made about students’ financial abilities to engage fully. Simply put, many students do not have the financial ability to fully participate in some school activities, ranging from not having internet and computer access to complete homework assignments, to food insecurity at home, to lack of access to “material or cultural goods” that often form the basis of classroom practices. We offer some analysis of how these factors may impact students’ experiences in schools.

Technically Drawn book cover

Technically Drawn

CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)  18 H5P Activities    English

Author(s): New Brunswick Community College, Camosun College

Subject(s): Engineering graphics and draughting / technical drawing

Institution(s): New Brunswick Community College

Last updated: 13/09/2022

This book explains the importance of drawings and sketches to technical professions, and the lines and views of technical drawings.
The Science of Stuttering book cover

The Science of Stuttering

All Rights Reserved  6 H5P Activities    English

Last updated: 07/09/2022

Cànan tro Òrain book cover

Cànan tro Òrain

CC BY-NC (Attribution NonCommercial)   English (Canada)

Author(s): Ed MacDonell

Subject(s): Language teaching and learning material and coursework, Language acquisition, Language learning: grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation

Last updated: 06/09/2022

Cànan tro Òrain is an open online Scottish Gaelic language educational resource for instructors. It is a compilation of language and culture lesson plans based on Gaelic song from a group of instructors. Teachers are encouraged to use these lessons and adapt them to their individual needs.

Cànan tro Òrain has a diverse array of lesson plans organized around Gaelic songs, some based on Canadian compositions and others on songs brought over from Scotland. Instructors may consult our finding guide to assess which lessons best support their teaching needs. Whether one is delivering a lesson to a group of beginners or advanced learners, to children or to adults, or if there is an interest in delivering a lesson inclusive of grammar instruction or Gaelic cultural elements, we anticipate there is a lesson to suit their needs.

The text within these chapters has been augmented with links for easy access to glossary terms, audio, video, worksheets, external websites, and other materials that will be helpful to successfully deliver lessons.

Lesson plans were authored by Robyn Carrigan, Sheena Geiger, Hannah Krebs, Suilbhidh Law, Shannon MacMullin, Raghnaid NicGaraidh, Robert Pringle, Heather Sparling, and Laura Stirling. It was edited by Ed MacDonell and Heather Sparling.