
H5P activities list

This book includes 19 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1Jazz testingMultiple Choice
2Example of something for beesImage Sequencing
3Male or Female?Image Hotspots
4FemaleDrag and Drop
5Quiz - The Bumblebee Life CycleImage Sequencing
7Quiz - Yellow-banded bumblebee anatomyDrag and Drop
8Quiz - Tri-coloured Bumblebee AnatomyDrag and Drop
9Male or Female?Multiple Choice
10Male or Female?Multiple Choice
11Male or Female?Multiple Choice
12Male or Female?Multiple Choice
13Honeybee or bumblebee?Multiple Choice
14Honeybee or bumblebee?Multiple Choice
15Honeybee or bumblebee?Multiple Choice
16Honeybee or bumblebee?Multiple Choice
17Name that bee!Image Pair
18Name that flower!Image Pair
19Let's see what you know about threatened bumble bees...Fill in the Blanks