12 Misrepresentation: Recycling
You are expected to submit your own work and this work must be new and original. Recycling is a form of plagiarism called self-plagiarism. It refers to:
- Submitting your own previous work, entirely or partially, in another course as new and original

Test your understanding: Multiple choice.
In each of the four scenarios below, what are you allowed to do?
Scenario 1
You wrote a great paper for your sociology class, and it happens that the same topic is on the list of choices in your criminology class. Can you change the title page to the new course and submit your paper in the criminology class?
Scenario 2
You wrote a great paper for your philosophy class, and you want to use some of your analyses and conclusions in another paper that deals with a similar topic in one of your psychology classes. Can you reuse a portion of your own work in a new paper?
Scenario 3
Scenario 4
End of chapter 12.