
6 Academic Offences: Consequences

Academic Offences have consequences 

Key Takeaways

Violations of academic integrity are taken seriously and have specific, serious consequences. If reported, you may

  • get a grade of 0 on your assignment
  • get a failing grade in the course
  • be suspended from the university

Important:  you may face disciplinary action for any academic offence, whether you committed it intentionally or unintentionally. An academic offence will be noted on your academic record. This may negatively impact your applications for other programs, graduate studies, research grants and bursaries, and future employment.


So what is the best way to avoid committing an academic offence?

  1. Be honest in all areas
  2. Do your own work
  3. Submit original work
  4. Only work with others if your instructor permitted it
  5. If permitted to work in groups, acknowledge contributions of others
  6. Acknowledge all your sources of information by citing them properly
  7. Learn to quote, paraphrase, and summarize properly
  8. Adhere to copyright
  9. Get help if you need it, but only from approved sources
  10. Do not help another person commit a violation


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Academic Integrity at Mount Saint Vincent University Copyright © 2022 by Marisha Caswell; Lisa Crowell; Christine Drew; Clare Goulet; Sarah Jacques; Lindsey MacCallum; Kelsey MacGillivray; Meagan Pottie; Jennifer Rizwan; and Denyse Rodrigues is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.